“It’s time to start over! The State of Jefferson would be free of over-regulation, over taxation, and under representation. A new state that would exercise its right under the 10th Amendment to halt the Federal government from over-reaching laws according to the US Constitution. We need to ensure that the income generated in our state stays in our state. We need a state with fewer agencies, less taxes, fair representation, less bureaucracy, state sovereignty, and more personal freedom.”
Could Jefferson Become the Newest State in the United States?
This is the message over at what appears to be the official Internet web site of the proposed state of Jefferson, which would be named after the third president of the United States and consist of 21 counties — 19 of which already have declarations of intention to secede — that are currently part of northern California and southern Oregon.
There are even candidates for office at both the state and county levels.
Supposed issues which have caused residents of this region to support secession from California and Oregon to form the state of Jefferson — as posted on the aforementioned Internet web site — include:
- Northern California has three out of 80 seats in the California Assembly
- Two out of 40 seats in the California Senate
- Two out of 53 seats in the House of Representatives of the United States
- Los Angeles Basin and San Francisco Bay Area make all of their decisions — such as a Fire Tax
- California is the second worst tax state in the United States and yet has the largest deficit
- Personal income tax is the highest in the United States
- Sales tax is the highest in the United States
- State gasoline taxes at 53 cents per gallon is the highest in the United States; and this is before “Cap and Trade” hikes them even further
- Property taxes are the tenth highest in the United States
- Business taxes rank third worst in the United States
- Business climate where five percent of businesses in California left the state in 2013
- Social services are 32 percent of the budget where three million undocumented people enjoy those services
- Correcting the remedy for Reynolds versus Sims and returning to the Federal Model of government which existed in 30 states prior to 1964
- Electing their own two Senators and Congressional representatives
- Electing their own governor, State Senate and Assembly based on Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution
- Make Jefferson a business friendly state with common sense tax laws and no state corporate income taxes
- Property taxes will stay in their state; and more specifically their counties
- Laws that will hold their representatives accountable to us
- Reduce the 570 state agencies and bureaucracies
- Constitutionally based laws
- Utilization of our natural resources — timber, water, farming, mining, hunting and fishing
- Revamping social services
Not a New Proposal
The movement to create this specific new state named after Thomas Jefferson was first raised in October of 1941; and who was to be the first governor of Jefferson was even inaugurated before the movement suddenly ended — primarily because of the bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japanese forces on Sunday, December 7, 1941, which created a strong sense of unity throughout the United States and propelled the country into World War II.
In 1992, all of the proposed 31 counties of Jefferson involved in an advisory vote had voted in favor of the state of California being split in two — except Humboldt County, which did not have the issue on the ballot — and the legislation which was introduced as a result in an attempt to split the state died in committee.
The movement was launched yet again on Tuesday, September 3, 2013 and is the current call for the formation of the state of Jefferson. Yreka is a candidate to become the state capital of Jefferson; and the state itself would be slightly smaller in area than West Virginia.
I thought that Independence Day in the United States would be a good time to report on the proposed new state of Jefferson, which wants to gain independence from California and Oregon.
I have driven on United States Highway 101 along the Pacific coast through what would be proposed as the state of Jefferson; and I have even driven through a redwood tree there. The mountainous and heavily wooded terrain and coast are both beautiful and breathtaking; and I would certainly recommend visiting this region of the United States…
…but do you believe that it should become the state of Jefferson, which would be the newest state in the United States? What are your thoughts about what could be state number 51 in the United States? Would you travel there to visit?
Source: State of Jefferson.