Welcome to the United States of America Blaine sign
Photograph ©2013 by Brian Cohen.

English Is Now The Official Language of the United States.

Was this necessary?

Did you know that even though at least 53 countries legally recognize English as an official language, the United States of America was one of only several countries in the world without an official language? That changed effective as of Saturday, March 1, 2025.

English Is Now The Official Language of the United States.

a white building with columns and a fountain in front with White House in the background
Photograph ©2015 by Brian Cohen.

“A nationally designated language is at the core of a unified and cohesive society, and the United States is strengthened by a citizenry that can freely exchange ideas in one shared language”, according to an executive order that was issued by the president of the United States on Saturday, March 1, 2025 and posted at the official Internet web site of The White House. “To promote unity, cultivate a shared American culture for all citizens, ensure consistency in government operations, and create a pathway to civic engagement, it is in America’s best interest for the Federal Government to designate one — and only one — official language.  Establishing English as the official language will not only streamline communication but also reinforce shared national values, and create a more cohesive and efficient society.”

Donald J. Trump also stated that “It is therefore long past time that English is declared as the official language of the United States.”

Greater than 350 languages are currently spoken in the United States — including dialects of people of native American descent. English has already been the official language of 32 states and five territories in the United States. Alaska, Hawaii, and South Dakota are the only three states — as well as Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the United States Virgin Islands — that officially recognize at least one language in addition to English. New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington also recognize English Plus.

One group has long been championing the cause for the United States to legally recognize English. “U.S.ENGLISH, Inc. is the nation’s oldest, largest citizens’ action group dedicated to preserving the unifying role of the English language in the United States”, according to the official Internet web site of the group. “Founded in 1983 by the late Senator S.I. Hayakawa, an immigrant himself, U.S. English now has over 2 million members nationwide.”

Final Boarding Call

United States Port of Entry — Blaine, Washington border
Photograph ©2013 by Brian Cohen.

Other than offering the proverbial penny for your thoughts, I cannot comment on the executive order of English becoming the official language of the Untied States because I do not understand one word of English…

Photograph ©2013 by Brian Cohen.

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