Amidst all of the news and rhetoric pertaining to the upcoming election and presidential impeachment hearings — as well as travel, miles and points in general — I thought I would take a moment to post a game for you to play just for fun: can you guess where was these photograph were taken?
Guess Where These Photographs Were Taken — November 23 2019 Edition
The answer to the question as to where on Earth these photographs were taken will not be immediately revealed…
…in order to give readers of The Gate a chance to take a moment to play this game.
This is only a sampling of the 407 photographs I have of this particular place.
You might be able to derive your answer from possible clues in each photograph.
I will write an article in the future pertaining to this particular place…
…and it will include plenty of additional photographs.
I have not forgotten about the other games with which readers of The Gate have asked for more…
…such as this one where I asked you to guess five American cities from the satellite photographs provided as though you were traveling in an airplane…
…as well as guessing where this photograph was taken…
…and I intend to create future versions of these games while simultaneously incorporating travel, miles and points.
Please post your guesses in the Comments section below.
I enjoy games — both playing them and creating them. When properly done, they can simultaneously be educational, interesting and fun…
…and if you have any ideas for future games of which you would like for me to create, please post your suggestions and thoughts in the Comments section below — as well as your guesses to where these photographs were taken.
Thank you.
All photographs ©2017 by Brian Cohen.