a map of a city
Source: Google Maps.

Highway 101 Closed in Los Angeles Due to Protests: February 2 2025 Travel Alert

The protestors vehemently oppose the deportation policy of Donald Trump.

United States Highway 101 is closed in Los Angeles due to protests now, Sunday, February 2 2025 in the vicinity of its junction with Interstate 5 — including near Alameda Street — and is causing traffic problems on other highways, boulevards, avenues, and streets in the area. Law enforcement officers are reportedly currently on the scene with the deployment of tear gas and other measures of controlling crowds.

Highway 101 Closed in Los Angeles Due to Protests: February 2 2025 Travel Alert

According to the official Internet web site of Caltrans — which is the transportation department of the state of California:

US 101 [IN THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AREA] is closed at the Jct of I 5 /in Los Angeles/ (Los Angeles Co) – Due to police Activity – Motorists are advised to use an alternate route

a screenshot of a phone
Source: Caltrans.

Both directions of the highway in downtown Los Angeles are blocked by protestors who oppose the aggressive deportation of illegal immigrants in the United States as promised by the current president of the United States, as Donald Trump has vowed to have them leave the country as soon as possible via Immigration and Customs Enforcement.


Final Boarding Call

Your travel plans will be affected if you are scheduled to drive within this very busy area of downtown Los Angeles within the next few hours.

Although the protests were mostly peaceful, they were also disruptive and unlawful. Innocent people who were simply attempting to travel from one place to another were greatly — and unnecessarily — inconvenienced. My guess is that many of those motorists who were impacted by the protests ultimately did not sympathize with the cause of the activists when all was said and done.

People have every right to peacefully protest whatever cause in which they truly believe; and I fully support that right — whether or not I agree with their cause…

…but numerous other more appropriate places to be heard are available than blocking highways and access roads to airports. Needlessly inconveniencing people typically does not solve problems or issues. Rather, more problems and issues are usually caused — as well as increased animosity towards the people who attempt to advance their cause.

What if someone’s life depended on an emergency vehicle attempting to respond as quickly as possible in a situation in which no second of time is expendable? Do these protests prevent commerce from being conducted and potentially impacting business in the United States? Were the protesters paid by some organization to block the roads? Are any of the protesters even citizens of the United States?

Some people believe that blocking roadways is a form of terrorism. I am not sure that I would go that far; but I do believe that blocking roadways is unacceptable, inexcusable, and potentially downright dangerous. Law enforcement officers should disperse the protesters as expeditiously as possible upon arresting them; and they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. If they are not citizens of the United States, they should be deported from the country as quickly as possible.

The problem currently is not if the blocking of important roadways will happen again; but rather a matter of when it will happen again — especially if this protest is deemed as successful, as others will likely occur in highways across Los Angeles — and, perhaps, California and the rest of the United States.

Please read this article pertaining to more of my thoughts about protesting and freedom of speech

Source: Google Maps.

  1. A similar event (on a much smaller scale) happened in Buford Hwy in Atlanta yesterday.

    Extremely sad that people think disruptive behavior earns them any support or credibility.

  2. I’m an immigrant and they don’t represent me, nor do I agree with them. The President is doing what he was elected to do. These are the same people who criticized him for his bitterness when he lost in 2020. Oh the irony, oh the hypocrisy.

  3. Blocking a major highway is bad. Very much like in France.

    Once I saw a very noble protest. It was some native Americans. They were marching on the interstate to Washington, DC, walking on the shoulder, mile after mile, a very long distance. I saw them once then a few days later on the way back, I saw them again, except they had walked over 100 miles from the last time I saw them. That gave me pause.

  4. I’m not so sure more supporters aren’t lost than gained when pulling stuff like this. Given that it’s LA I’m not surprised nothing is being done about it. It’s just another reason none of my planned travel involves the west coast.

    1. If it happened it LA, it could happen in other places too. So I wouldn’t let it change your travel plans. When these things aren’t happening, which is almost always, the west coast is a nice place to visit.

  5. GMB: his bitteness when he lost in 2020. He does not think he lost! Get your facts straight! You think criticizing him for January 6 is too far?

    Wow keep drinking the Kool aid!

    Since you say you are an immigrant how did you immigrate to the USA? What kind of visa?

    1. Whether or not he thinks he lost is not relevant to what I said. I also didn’t mention January 6th.

      Personal attacks don’t belong here.

      When you asked how I emigrated and what kind of visa, what are you trying to establish?

        1. I assume Gennady is either a typo or a joke. Elon Musk isn’t a hypocrite. He is trying to make it easier to emigrate legally while preventing illegal immigration. I fully support legal immigration. At the moment, talented people have to jump through hoops and pay a lot of money to emigrate legally, while others just walk through the border.

          I did it the legal way, getting an H1B visa, green card, then citizenship. Each part of this process was fraught with issues caused by government mistakes, which delayed my becoming a citizen by around two years.

          That’s not even what I object to most. My main objection is to people causing disruption when they protest against changes, especially when the country voted for the changes.

          This is an excellent video on the topic of H1B visas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh2jd1jBEGc

  6. They think it’s still the Biden era when you could harass Jews in the name of “protesting” and get an understanding nod from Biden and Harris. They’re in for a rude awakening.

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