This is a quick note from ZorkFest 2018 in Las Vegas to convey a thought: as someone who writes articles for The Gate, looking at numbers as to how many times readers access articles — which in some cases were written in quiet isolation — is rather easy with which to get caught up…
I Need to Get Out More.
…but here at the Treasure Island hotel and casino, people have approached me and told me that that they read The Gate; that they have wanted to meet me; and that they like the articles which I write.
I cannot even begin to express how humbled I am — both readers and bloggers alike.
Writing articles when no one else is around — whether I am home or at some far-flung corner of the world — can lead to wondering how people perceive the work which I do. Sometimes feedback is constructive. Sometimes feedback is downright nasty and cruel. Sometimes there is no feedback at all. Sometimes I wonder if I am helping to make a small yet positive difference in the lives of readers with the information which I post…
…but there is nothing like being out and meeting people face to face. We give each other information. I help to answer questions. Unlike blogging, the discussion is not primarily one-sided. A synergy is developed where everyone who walks away from the conversation feels enriched. I like that feeling.
The idea of hosting a gathering of enthusiast of miles, points and travel in the greater Atlanta metropolitan area has been renewed for me — it was never off of the table — but this time, Richard Kerr of The Points Guy has expressed interest in joining Adam S. of Point Me to the Plane and I on meeting you if you decide to join us once plans are finalized…
…and I really need to get out more. I am thinking about making a point of doing just that…
Photograph ©2015 by Brian Cohen.