Washington Hilton before Neon Trees concert
Photograph ©2015 by Brian Cohen.

I Need to Get Out More.

This is a quick note from ZorkFest 2018 in Las Vegas to convey a thought: as someone who writes articles for The Gate, looking at numbers as to how many times readers access articles — which in some cases were written in quiet isolation — is rather easy with which to get caught up…

I Need to Get Out More.

…but here at the Treasure Island hotel and casino, people have approached me and told me that that they read The Gate; that they have wanted to meet me; and that they like the articles which I write.

I cannot even begin to express how humbled I am — both readers and bloggers alike.

Writing articles when no one else is around — whether I am home or at some far-flung corner of the world — can lead to wondering how people perceive the work which I do. Sometimes feedback is constructive. Sometimes feedback is downright nasty and cruel. Sometimes there is no feedback at all. Sometimes I wonder if I am helping to make a small yet positive difference in the lives of readers with the information which I post…

…but there is nothing like being out and meeting people face to face. We give each other information. I help to answer questions. Unlike blogging, the discussion is not primarily one-sided. A synergy is developed where everyone who walks away from the conversation feels enriched. I like that feeling.


The idea of hosting a gathering of enthusiast of miles, points and travel in the greater Atlanta metropolitan area has been renewed for me — it was never off of the table — but this time, Richard Kerr of The Points Guy has expressed interest in joining Adam S. of Point Me to the Plane and I on meeting you if you decide to join us once plans are finalized…

…and I really need to get out more. I am thinking about making a point of doing just that…

Photograph ©2015 by Brian Cohen.

  1. I could not wait to meet in person with people behind two blogs in the infamous TBB to Ignore List! #justkidding #pass

    One day we’ll meet Brian but I prefer to be when no one is around associated with THAT list. Hope you understand.

    Have fun at Zorkfest and enjoy the holiday. And do not pick up gambling, it is an addiction!

    1. Tell you what, TravelBloggerBuzz: put in a good word for me with Dave in Ann Arbor in July. If he wants for me to be one of the speakers for next year, then we will meet. World exclusive here!

      Dave last met me at the Chicago Seminars in 2012; so I am not sure whether or not he remembers me.

      I never had an interest in gambling, believe it or not…

  2. Meeting readers is one of the highlights of my day when traveling. Like you said, not everyone likes what you have to say, but when you meet people who are true fans, it is pretty awesome. I’m bummed that I couldn’t make ZorkFest, but it seems like everyone is having a great time.

    Enjoy and, hopefully, we’ll see you out and about more often!

    1. I would have liked to have seen you at ZorkFest in Las Vegas, Lee @ BaldThoughts. You did miss a good event. Perhaps next time?

      More often than not, I find that when I meet people who disagree with me, they can be just as nice as those who do agree with me. I learn from people who disagree with me in a constructive manner; and I hope that they learn from me, too.

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