a stone wall with a doorway
Photograph ©2024 by Brian Cohen.

I Visited The Oldest Bridge In The World.

It was a rocky start; but I crossed that bridge when I got to it.

I visited the oldest bridge in the world, which can still be used to this day. The date that it was built is not certain; but as many as 3,625 years may have elapsed since it was first constructed, as Guinness World Records acknowledges it as being one of the bridges that was built circa 1,600 Before the Common Era.

I Visited The Oldest Bridge In The World.

a stone wall in a grassy area
Photograph ©2024 by Brian Cohen.

The bridge is known as either Arkadiko Bridge or Kazarma Bridge, which is a Mycenaean bridge in Argolis on the Peloponnese peninsula in Greece.

a rock wall with a hole in the middle
Photograph ©2024 by Brian Cohen.

This crossing — which is comprised of stone — is one of the oldest Corbel arch bridges still in existence. It is also the oldest preserved bridge in Europe. The Arkadiko Bridge measures approximately 22 meters in length; 5.6 meters in width; and four meters in height.

a cave with a light in the middle
Photograph ©2024 by Brian Cohen.

Be careful when passing underneath the bridge, as the ceiling is rather low and the floor is quite uneven, sandy, and rocky — but you do get a chance to see the structure up close.

a dirt road with rocks and grass
Photograph ©2024 by Brian Cohen.

Remnants of the military highway that crossed this historic bridge still exist. One can freely walk along it and across the bridge, which dates back to the ancient Bronze Age civilizations of Greece.

a road with a tunnel and a road in the background
Photograph ©2024 by Brian Cohen.

This is the view facing east from the top of Arkadiko Bridge. The car in the photograph is one of two vehicles which I rented while in Greece.

a rock wall with a hole in it
Photograph ©2024 by Brian Cohen.

Access on the other side of the bridge is more difficult.

a large rocks and grass
Photograph ©2024 by Brian Cohen.

Final Boarding Call

This bridge may not exactly have the magnificence or beauty of the more stately bridges scattered around this planet; but being able to walk over, under, and around what is purportedly the oldest bridge in the world was no less exciting and wondrous.

Four other similar bridges are located within the vicinity; but Arkadiko Bridge is the one that is recognized by a number of sources as the oldest bridge in the world.

a road with a sign on it
Photograph ©2024 by Brian Cohen.

Leofóros Asklipiou is a modern road that connects Tiryns with Epidauros. Do not go too fast if you are driving a motor vehicle, as it is easy to miss and pass, Only a small brown sign with the Greek words Μυκηναϊκή γέφυρα and the English words Mycenaean Bridge is the only clue of its existence from the road.

The bridge is located approximately 148 kilometers southwest from Athens. If you are driving, allot at least two hours of travel time — as well as paying tolls if you take the highways. If you are staying overnight in the coastal city of Nafplion, the bridge is located approximately 13.7 kilometers to the east northeast; and you will only need to allot as few as 15 minutes of driving.

Once you arrive, plan to spend at least 30 minutes at the site if you want to fully experience the bridge.

Arkadiko Bridge or Kazarma Bridge
Leofóros Asklipiou 27
Arkadiko 210 52

No admission is charged to visit Arkadiko Bridge; and the site is never closed to anyone who wants to visit it. No facilities are available at the site — although two benches are available on which to sit. Parking is whatever safe spot you can find along Leofóros Asklipiou — a small turnout is available for parking across the street from the bridge — but it is free of charge.

All photographs ©2024 by Brian Cohen.

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