In Which States Can You Find Gasoline For Fewer Than $2 Per Gallon?

ou know that gasoline prices are declining again when you start seeing this series of articles again; and once again, you can now find an increasing number of states in the United States where fuel stations are selling gasoline at fewer than $2.00 per gallon as of the time this article was posted…

…but which states are these; and where are those fuel stations located?

Here is a list of the growing number of states — according to — where fuel stations selling gasoline at fewer than $2.00 per gallon are located:

  • Texas You can find one fuel station selling gasoline for $1.99 per gallon in Terrell, located east of Dallas
  • Tennessee No fewer than four fuel stations in Athens and one fuel station in Niota — both of which are located just off Interstate 75 approximately halfway between Chattanooga and Knoxville — sell gasoline for as low as $1.99 per gallon
  • Ohio Although one fuel station sells gasoline for $1.96 per gallon in Toledo, you can also find gasoline for $1.98 per gallon at one fuel station in Columbus; and $1.99 per gallon of fuel is available in at least 13 fuel stations in Toledo, Columbus and assorted other towns
  • Louisiana Good news if you are driving in Farmerville, which is located northwest of Monroe: gasoline is sold for as low as $1.94 per gallon
  • Alabama One fuel station in Fort McClellan — located just outside of Anniston and approximately 90 miles west of Atlanta and 75 miles east of Birmingham — sells gasoline for $1.93 per gallon


Click on the names of the states in the list above for the exact location of the fuel stations which sell gasoline at fewer than $2.00 per gallon.

The most expensive fuel station in the 50 United States is located in South San Francisco in California, where the price is $5.03 per gallon.


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