a hand holding a burger
The McWhopper. Source: Burger King.

McWhopper and McKinley Both Suffer Defeats

T he name of a proposed hamburger to only last a day and the name of a mountain were both unsuccessful — McWhopper and McKinley both suffer defeats — recently, despite both stories having absolutely nothing to do with each other.


In a blatant publicity stunt, marketing representatives of Burger King proposed to management at McDonald’s to combine six elements of the Big Mac with six elements of the Whopper to form a hamburger to be called the McWhopper — according to this Internet web site — in order to “get the world talking about Peace Day” on Monday, September 21, 2015.


The new hamburger would only last for one day and be sold at a “pop-up” restaurant located in Atlanta — which is approximately halfway between the world headquarters of McDonald’s in the Chicago area and Burger King in the Miami area.


This was a clever marketing stunt which put Burger King in a position where they theoretically could not lose regardless of the response from McDonald’s where if there was an agreement, then Burger King gets the credit for leading the effort; but if McDonald’s refused to participate in the joint venture, they risk the potential of negative public perception while Burger King could revel in positive public perception.

According to the official Facebook Internet web site of McDonald’s, Stephen James Easterbrook — who is the current chief executive officer of McDonald’s — rejected the proposal with the following statement:

Dear Burger King,

Inspiration for a good cause… great idea.

We love the intention but think our two brands could do something bigger to make a difference.

We commit to raise awareness worldwide, perhaps you’ll join us in a meaningful global effort?

And every day, let’s acknowledge that between us there is simply a friendly business competition and certainly not the unequaled circumstances of the real pain and suffering of war.

We’ll be in touch.

-Steve, McDonald’s CEO

P.S. A simple phone call will do next time.

If the comments posted in response are of any indication, the marketing gimmick seemed to have paid off for Burger King, which has not yet released an official response to the advertisements placed by Denny’s to engage in the effort instead of McDonald’s.

The International Day of Peace — first established in 1981 and designated in 2001 as an annual “day of non-violence and cease-fire” — is observed around the world annually on September 21, which members of the General Assembly of the United Nations have declared as a day devoted to “strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples.”

That is a nice idea and sentiment; but shouldn’t every day be Peace Day?!?

Here is my idea of promoting world peace: how about doing everything we can to mitigate the misunderstandings and stereotypes which govern human behavior towards others largely due to ignorance by having people travel and get to know each other better — including but not limited to food, customs and ideologies — as one of a plethora of solutions?

Just sayin’…

Mount McKinley is Now Denali

Since Monday, February 26, 1917 — when the Mount McKinley National Park Act was signed by Woodrow Wilson, who was president of the United States at that time — the tallest mountain in North America was officially recognized by the United States as Mount McKinley in honor of William McKinley, who was the 25th president of the United States.

As of yesterday, Sunday, August 30, 2015, the official name of that mountain is once again Denali, which is the name originally given to the mountain by indigenous people who lived near it in Alaska. Denali means high or tall.

The national park in which the mountain is located had already been called Denali National Park and Preserve.


I would have like to have tried the McWhopper — without cheese for me, please.

The “name change” from Mount McKinley to Denali — which I visited years ago — makes sense to me. Since visiting Ayer’s Rock, I have called the monolith located in Australia by its proper indigenous name: Uluru; and I have done the same with Denali.

What are your thoughts on both stories?

The McWhopper. Source: Burger King.

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