Arlington National Cemetery
Photograph ©2016 by Brian Cohen.

Memorial Day 2024: Suggested Reading

May your Memorial Day be meaningful.

Monday, May 27, 2024 unofficially heralds the summer season of the year as Memorial Day 2024 — even though summer does not officially begin for another month — and having a weekend of three days prompts people to either travel or enjoy cooking out delicious food on the backyard grill at home with loved ones while relaxing…

Memorial Day 2024: Suggested Reading

…but Memorial Day 2024 is also a somber day to remember those who have lost their lives while fighting for the United States — and it is a day to remember them and the service which they provided to protect the United States from its enemies and adversaries.

Links to past articles which have been posted to The Gate With Brian Cohen which pertain to Memorial Day include:

Final Boarding Call

Thank you for reading The Gate With Brian Cohen — and I hope that your Memorial Day weekend will be as meaningful as possible to you…

…and may those brave people who fought for our country and lost their lives in the process rest in peace.

Photograph ©2016 by Brian Cohen.

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