Parking New Orleans
Photograph ©2022 by Brian Cohen.

Quiz: Is This a Legal Parking Spot?

Look at the photographs and judge for yourself.

When one drives his or her own personal motor vehicle in the familiar area where he or she is based, that person will usually know what are the laws in that area — including those of speeding and parking — but when renting a vehicle in a different location, some of those laws could be less obvious.

Quiz: Is This a Legal Parking Spot?

Parking New Orleans
Photograph ©2022 by Brian Cohen.

For example, is the car in the photograph shown above parked on the street legally — or has at least one infraction been committed?

Parking New Orleans
Photograph ©2022 by Brian Cohen.

The car is parked in front of a sign which states that parking is not allowed in a freight zone between the hours of 8:00 in the morning and 6:00 in the evening during the day every day except on Sundays; and the arrow is pointing away from where the car is parked…

Parking New Orleans
Photograph ©2022 by Brian Cohen.

…but the car itself is parked over the faded white stop line in the street and does exceed the Stop sign by a couple of feet as its front end is barely over the equally faded crosswalk line — but it is not blocking most of the crosswalk itself.

The car behind that car — and behind the aforementioned sign — eventually did get a ticket as a citation for parking in a freight zone.

Final Boarding Call

Judging by the photographs which are featured in this article, is the car parked legally on the street — or is it violating any parking laws?

Although you can probably guess in which city these photographs are taken, it has been purposely been omitted.

The answer to this quiz is featured in this article — but in the meantime, if you plan on renting a motor vehicle and driving it in a location which is at least somewhat unfamiliar to you, knowing the laws and rules in that location could prove to be quite helpful.

All photographs ©2022 by Brian Cohen.

  1. Blue car in front did not leave enough room from the corner to where they parked. IMO, Mr. BC parked illegally ..too close to the curb AND in the in a no-parking sign. He created his own parking spot.

    Mr. Black Car committed a parking violation as long as the sign you showed made sense. One wonders if there is a 2nd sign somewhere on the same side of the street .

    1. The next sign on that side of the street is for parking for a specific hotel property, Claire.

      After that is a No Parking side for a Passenger Zone.

  2. Judging by the photographs which are featured in this article, is the car parked legally on the street — or is it violating any parking laws?

    I believe the blue car is not parked legally. Parked too close to an intersection/stop sign and parking in a crosswalk.

    Although you can probably guess in which city these photographs are taken, it has been purposely been omitted. The answer will be featured in a future article…

    I believe the photo is taken in New Orleans.

  3. In most cities, yes. But this is New Orleans, where it’s illegal to park within 20 feet of intersections, crosswalks or stop signs. One full car length to the crosswalk is a good rule of thumb. At many corners, there’s a triangle painted to indicate the no parking zone, but t’s just as illegal if there’s no paint. The reason the Freight Zone sign is located where it is is that the space between the sign and the corner is illegal always.

    I think it’s still just $40 if you pay the fine promptly.

  4. The blue car is parked illegally. It is parked past the stop sign. Many times there is no logic in parking rules but in this case, the car is too close to the crosswalk which causes additional danger to pedestrians trying to navigate past the car. It also causes extra danger because it’s harder for drivers to see around the car as people cross there. Sure you can see past this small car but imagine it is a box truck or van and a person steps from the curb. It’s a little weak but many cities use strict parking enforcement as a revenue stream. I assume the black car is illegally parked unless it’s a Sunday or off-hours. It’s hard to tell from the photo but the rear of the blue car may technically be too far from the curb for many parking laws but it doesn’t look like it in the photo. When parking in larger cities you have to follow one rule when it comes to parking on the street…”It ain’t Walmart in South Haven Mississippi so make sure to park legally or risk a ticket. I don’t see any parking meters so it “could be worse”.

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