a room with two beds and a window
Photograph ©2024 by Brian Cohen.

Should Maintenance Staff at Hotel Properties Receive Tips?

They fix what breaks. Does that deserve a gratuity?

Let us hypothetically say that the climate control system was not functioning properly in a room upon arrival at a hotel property. Work was needed in order to be able to stay comfortably in the room. A member of the maintenance staff eventually arrives and fixes the malfunctioning climate control system. Should maintenance staff at hotel properties receive tips when they fix a problem satisfactorily?

Should Maintenance Staff at Hotel Properties Receive Tips?

At times when I have needed maintenance in rooms as a guest at hotel and resort properties over the years, a member of the maintenance staff usually fixes the problem and leaves — but a few of them seemed to have loitered longer than necessary, having me wonder if they were expecting to receive a gratuity for doing their job.

Part of the expectation of staying at a hotel or resort property is that everything is functioning properly in the room for the duration of the stay. Things do unexpectedly happen, which is generally not a problem in and of itself — but the expectation is to return things back to normal. This is rarely exceeded with “Wow! This is working even better than I expected!”

Final Boarding Call

To answer my own question, no — I do not believe that members of the maintenance staff at hotel and resort properties should receive gratuities. That is not part of the expectation of the cost of travel as the main reason, in my opinion — not that travelers should be expected to part with significant sums of money for tips and gratuities to a variety of people…

…but more people in an increasing number of places seemingly want to receive extra money simply for doing their job. Tipping is like a cancer: it keeps growing uncontrollably.

Whatever happened to the satisfaction of a job well done without having to expect a gratuity?

Photograph ©2024 by Brian Cohen.

  1. If the toilet is stuck and they show up right away, a tip is optional. My feeling is that tips are not necessary but if they show up very quickly, that should be rewarded.

  2. I think the thing is…tipping is not the cancer.

    I have a hard time critiquing people for making more money. The real cancer is that companies aren’t paying employees enough to survive nowadays it’s all about corporate profits, and return to shareholders.

    I think we need to look out for the people doing the actual jobs. I’m happy to pay more money for things in this phone to people but my feeling is it’s not… It’s going to the CEO and shareholders.

  3. If a hotel isn’t maintained properly shouldn’t the customer get compensated? If nothing is broken should you tip maintenance for the great job they are doing? Sounds silly but that is the way automatic gratuities work on cruise ships (in theory). I really don’t mind tipping people that much. I think if a maintenance person goes above and beyond it is appropriate but much of the tipping culture we create is out of control.

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