Sonny big white dog face
Photograph ©2006 by B. Cohen.

Support Animals Versus Allergies: Here We Go Again

“Had an uncomfortable situation”, posted FlyerTalk member inpd. “Sitting in a bulk head on a DC-80. The person next to me has a largish dog on a leash and sits next to me and puts his dog under our legs.

“This wasn’t a guide dog, it was just a regular dog and the guy wasn’t blind or old (in his 20’s).

“Who do you write to, to complain about this. I had a dog hair allergy and if this is going to be common practice then adios AA. Of course no one wanted to swap seats with me … The dog was scary looking”…

Support Animals Versus Allergies: Here We Go Again

…and the debate continues. Does a person with allergies to the fur of animals trump the passenger with an animal classified as a service dog or an emotional support animal?

As this latest situation occurred aboard an airplane operated by American Airlines, here is the official policy in general pertaining to service animals:

American Airlines and American Eagle® accept service animals used by persons with disabilities at no charge. An animal may accompany a customer with a disability in the aircraft cabin, provided the animal can be accommodated without obstructing an aisle or other area used for emergency evacuations.

If a service animal is disruptive or too large to fit under the seat or at the passenger’s feet without encroaching on another passenger’s space or protruding into the aisle, it will need to travel in a kennel (provided by the passenger) in the cargo hold. The kennel must meet IATA kennel and size requirements for the animal. Temperature restrictions apply to ensure the safety of the animal.

There is no charge for service animals used by customers with disabilities. However, credible verbal assurance that the animal is providing a service to assist with a disability will suffice should an inquiry be made.

View a list of animal relief areas at select airports. If your airport is not listed, please ask for directions or assistance at our ticket counter.

For information regarding working dogs, please see our Traveling With Pets page page.

Quarantine restrictions may apply. Your reservations agent or travel agent will be happy to check destination regulations for you.

“Emotional Support Animals? Documentation is required”, summarized FlyerTalk member FWAAA. “Service Animal? No documentation is required.”

If the dog was indeed under the legs of inpd, then was the dog not encroaching the passenger space of inpd? If so, then the dog should have been transported in a kennel in the cargo hold, according to the aforementioned official policy of American Airlines…

…but what if the passenger in question was following all of the guidelines of the official policy correctly with his dog? Do the allergies of inpd come into consideration here?

No, according to this article I posted on May 9 earlier this year:

  • Allergies and fear of dogs are not valid reasons for denying access or refusing service to people using service animals. When a person who is allergic to dog dander and a person who uses a service animal must spend time in the same room or facility — such as an airport lounge or a hotel lobby, for example — they both should be accommodated by assigning them to different locations within the room or different rooms in the facility, if it is at all possible.
  • Establishments which sell or prepare food must allow service animals in public areas — even if state or local health codes prohibit animals on the premises.
  • People with disabilities who use service animals cannot be isolated from other patrons; treated less favorably than other patrons; or charged fees that are not charged to other patrons without animals. Additionally, if a business requires a deposit or fee to be paid by patrons with pets, it must waive the charge for service animals.
  • If a business — such as a hotel property — normally charges guests for damage that they cause, a customer with a disability may also be charged for damage caused by himself or his service animal.
  • Staff are not required to provide care or food for a service animal.

While not every bullet point found in the list above may apply to airlines, they do apply to such travel establishments as airport lounges and hotel properties…

…so with policies such as stated above — short of avoiding travel — what are the possible solutions to traveling with allergies?

This list of tips offered by WebMD should give you some relief if you have allergies :

  • Pack all the medications you will need in your purse or carry-on bag — something you will have at hand in the car, in your train seat, or on the flight. Bring a day’s worth of extra doses just in case you’re delayed.
  • Keep medications in their original packaging to avoid running afoul of the Transportation Security Administration if you’re flying. You should be allowed to check all types of medication through the security checkpoint. If it’s in three-ounce or smaller quantities, you can put it in a clear quart-sized bag as you do with shampoo and perfume — but give the meds their own bag, separate from cosmetics and other liquids. If your liquid or gel medications are in larger quantities, put them in a separate bag and declare them separately to the screener.
  • If you use dust-proof, zippered pillow covers at home, pack one for the pillow at your destination. It takes up little to no space in your suitcase. If you’re really expecting to encounter some dust mite problems while away, you can even fold up and pack your mattress cover — but that will take up more space.
  • If you have food allergies, pack acceptable snacks in your carry-on bag so you won’t have to take a chance on airline food or the options available in train stations, rest stops and airports.
  • Check the pollen counts at your destination — you can do that here or at an Internet web site dedicated to weather, for example.
  • The air in planes is particularly dry, so be sure your carry-on includes saline nasal spray — and use it once an hour to keep nasal passages moist.
  • If you have mold allergies, ask for a sunny, dry room away from the pool.
  • Ask about the hotel’s pet policy. Hotels cannot bar service animals for the reasons listed here; but if you have dander allergies, you probably don’t want to be staying in a hotel that advertises itself as pet-friendly or offers cats to borrow for the night.
  • If you’ll be staying in a rental home, inquire about how thoroughly the location is cleaned between guests.

Unfortunately, there are not many easy solutions currently available — although the good news is that more and more companies in the travel industry are addressing the issue of customers with allergies.

Perhaps one potential solution is to crack down on what could be considered possible abuse of the designation of unqualified pets as service animals or emotional support animals in order to avoid paying extra charges or have their pets relegated into the cargo hold?

To complicate matters, there are distinct differences between service animals and animals used to provide their owners “emotional support.”

The official definition of a service animal — according to the Disability Rights Section of the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice of the United States pertaining to the Americans with Disabilities Act, or ADA — is as follows:

Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.

This definition does not affect or limit the broader definition of “assistance animal” under the Fair Housing Act or the broader definition of “service animal” under the Air Carrier Access Act.

Some State and local laws also define service animal more broadly than the ADA does. Information about such laws can be obtained from the State attorney general’s office.

Additionally, service animals must be harnessed, leashed, or tethered — unless these devices interfere with the intended work of the service animal or the disability of the individual prevents using these devices. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal, or other effective controls.

Unfortunately, it appears that all that employees of an airline — whether aboard an airplane or in a lounge at an airport — could do is ask two questions:

  1. Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?
  2. What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?

When it is not obvious what service an animal provides, the employee of an airline cannot without violating federal law:

  • Ask about the nature of the disability of the person
  • Require medical documentation
  • Require a special identification card or training documentation for the dog; or
  • Ask that the dog demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task

An emotional support animal is a companion animal which provides therapeutic benefit to an individual designated with a disability — such as depression, bipolar disorder, panic attacks or anxiety as only a few of many examples. While only dogs — and, in a separate provision which need not be discussed here, miniature horses — can be officially designated as service animals, emotional support animals can also be cats and other animals as prescribed by a physician or other medical professional if the owner of the animal has a verifiable disability in accordance with federal law of the United States.


“I can confirm that few of these animals, in my experience, exhibit the demeanor of one with service training; however, ESAs are not required to have training. Their ‘mere presence’ can be the therapy, according to the powers that be”, Sarah Steegar — who is a flight attendant as well as the author of the Crewed Talk weblog at FlyerTalk — wrote in this article. “…if I’d ever had a situation where we literally ‘knew’ the ESA claim was bogus, the answer has to be no. We are well-trained to know that not all disabilities are visible. Between that very real fact and the situation that the bar for a ‘legitimate’ ESA is actually so low (it’s down to a prescription, basically), there is literally no way to know, short of passenger confession, that a particular ESA claim is fake.”

I will defer to Sarah Steegar as to the possible solution and her thoughts on this issue based on her experience: “I think the only way to rein in the problem is for airlines to tighten up ESA-acceptance. Some form of training (even if it just certifies appropriate public behavior) would be helpful, as would restricting the size or type of animals accepted. Airlines lose fees on ESA scammers, and passengers and crews are both annoyed, so I don’t really understand why they haven’t already done this – unless there’s some complication that I haven’t seen spelled out. So far, I’ve been told it’s simply “not high on the priority list.” Unless someone can demonstrate that airlines are losing revenue through the ESA claims or unless another passenger gets hurt by (and inevitably sues) a non-trained ESA animal, the problem will get little more action than eye rolls.”

In this particular case, it would seem to me that inpd should have not had to deal with the inconvenience and discomfort of having to deal with the dog — unless it was a legitimate service animal…

…and even then, what is the difference of having a large animal encroaching upon your personal space aboard an airplane as opposed to an obese person infringing upon your personal space?

I look forward to reading your comments below…

Photograph ©2006 by B. Cohen.


    1. That is a good question, PHYLLIS STEWART-RUFFIN.

      I am not sure; but I believe it is a matter of contacting the airline or Amtrak prior to travel — as well as alerting the members of the crew aboard the airplane and the train.

      Hopefully, a reader of The Gate who suffers from asthma and allergies can better address and answer your question than I can.

      1. Hey a little late to the draw here but I also have severe allergies where antihistamines don’t help at all- and when pregnant are not classified as safe drugs. I have lost out on tickets I paid for because the airline cannot guarantee the number of animals on a flight – even 2 hours prior to boarding. They also don’t offer refunds should they not be able to offer a safe method of travel. It’s totally unjust that there are no solutions in place for people with allergies like mine or pregnant women who rely on allergies. I can handle 1-2 dogs on a plane but my last gate held 8 dogs and I was already struggling so much at the gate there was no way I could fly with them for 3 hours in an enclosed space.

    2. And why is my allergy (I also have an asthmatic reaction to dogs) less important than someone’s peanut allergy? Peanuts have been BANNED because the allergy can kill. But an animal allergy is laughed at.

      1. Great question. I have to travel next week and I am not looking forward to it because I have to stay in a hotel room where there may have been a cat or dog. Last year, I had to rent a car while my car was in the shop. There was pet dander in the car and I had to rush to the emergency room because my throat closed up and I had an asthma attack. I just don’t know what to do anymore, it’s like pets are taking over or excuse me service animals are taking over, because we all know that every service animal is really a service animal. It’s like animals are given more regard than human beings. It’s just not right. I’m paying good money to fly and stay in a room. Your animal is not paying a dime.

        1. Federal legislation to protect animal-allergic people is the *ONLY* answer to this. Animal-allergic people are now treated as second class citizens.

          1. Sad, but true.

            There is a large lobby for animals, there is no lobby for animal allergies. Our congressmen and women know where their bread is buttered.

        2. I hope you’ve educated yourself since posting this. Service animals allow blind and other disabled people to participate in activities you don’t have to think twice about. If, in the rare case you are seated next to a service animal, you can politely express your condition to staff members and move. A service animal is a trained guide that is an extension of the person they are working for. It’s not a pet. Those with guide dogs in fact pay lots of money to maintain their animals, not only through normal animal care but also training for the animal to perform their specific function. The way you have to advocate for yourself (eg checking with a company about whether an animal has been in your rental care recently) is only a fraction of the advocacy disabled people have to engage in every day to do even the most “basic” tasks.

      2. Daisy K. An Anaphylaxis, a life threating reaction can occur within seconds or minutes of exposure to an allergen , peanuts, lactose, tree nuts are FOOD allergies. Symptoms include a skin rash, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, and shock and If not treated right away, usually with epinephrine, it can result in unconsciousness or death. I carry epinephrine auto injectors ( EpiPens) on my person when I am out in public as peanuts, tree nuts & lactose are in fact FOOD substances that do cause anaphylaxis reactions. There are six different canine allergens – Two allergens, abbreviated as Can f1 and Can f2, are the majority of dog allergens. 45% of dog allergic people react to Can f1 alone.
        25% react to both Can F1 and F2. You May be reacting to Can f1 but I am not a specialist in this area.
        Summery : I Need immediate medical care in the form of an epinphine injection as there is a risk of death from peanuts, tree nuts and lactose while all YOU need is to use a wet wipe or be separated from that dog. 1 anaphylatic reaction is 1 to many. That is why my peanut allergy is more important and also why I carry my EpiPens on my person when in public.

        1. Incorrect – if I am exposed to cats in an enclosed space, I may very well need an epinephrine injection. Once I am no longer around the animal, I can be sick for DAYS with miserable or even life threatening symptoms. Sorry, my allergies will laugh at your “wet wipe.”

          Anyway, why pit allergy sufferers against each other? The “My allergies are worse than yours” mentality is silly and childish.

          I once stayed at a hotel that, unbeknownst to me, allowed pets. There was no signage or indication to me that the room had previous been occupied by someone with a cat. I knew it in the middle of the night though, when I woke up with hives and was unable to breathe. The front desk person that called the ambulance, while sympathetic, said that “pets are allowed” in all their rooms, and that basically it was MY problem that I became ill.

          How is it that the needs of dogs and cats have become more important than the needs of humans?

          1. You could of sued said hotel while they said that is your fault for the allergy they have to make known that it is pet friendly. They should be liable for the trip to hospital and your lodging as a result.

          2. Bottom line is if you have a medical issue you carry medication. If you did not have medication you would have to live inside a bubble and never leave home. I have a service dog which is my medication. My wife has allergies to nickel and seafood and she carries medication and epi-pen because bottom line you will never be able to avoid having a reaction. Animals are everywhere strays, pets and working animals. If you expect the hotel to never have any animal in it then we should also expect that nobody is able to bring peanuts, seafood, nickel items, etc etc etc the list of what people are allergic to goes on and on. Reality is it will never happen you just have to leave home prepared with your medication. Just as my wife can not expect the guest who stayed in the room prior did not order seafood for room service and it dripped all over the furniture as the juice and residue alone will cause her to break out. Maybe the guest prior was eatting nuts in the bed and there is nut dust and crumbs spread all over the room and stuck in the carpet. Just prepare yourself anytime you leave home and realise your not the only one with a medical issue.

          3. Been there before! Now we always ask and have to pay extra for a hotel that only allows service animals. I will never understand why humans are considered second class to animals in so many places. And don’t get me started on feral cats that roam our city.

        2. Just for your information, i have an allergic reaction to animal dander which includes dogs cats and any haired animal and when in the same area as the animal it will cause me to suffer an asthma attack which is closing of the airways and not able to breathe unless i use a rescue inhaler and get away from them. They can be bad enough to cause me to have been treated with epi and breathing treatments. As a paramedic i can asure you these can be life threatening reactions no less than your peanut allergy. When you cant breate that a life threatening event . The dander from the animal reacts much quicker than your peanut allergy. You must come in contact with it , asorb or injest it where as inhalation of it will not set off your allergy, but mine inhale of it or touch / contact will set mine off . I lived with this 55 yrs , the pets need to go below plane in cargo hold or on a different plane . A himans life is far more important than any animals life . Whete have my rights to breathe without an issue when i travel. I dont cant have peanuts while on a plane when you are aboard then its the same with me , no animals on plane when i am aboard. My civil rights are as much imyas the animal rights people have, except humans come first not the animal .

          1. I totally agree. We are restricted to mostly staying home because people want to take their dogs everywhere. Dogs get nothing out of it. Why don’t animal owners keep their dogs in kennels or a “pet hotel”. Because they are too damn cheap and want to dump their problem on others. Hotel should have mandatory non pet rooms and someone needs to develop a hand held meter to identify if the room is truly a non pet room. Several pet owners have confessed to me that their dog pisses in every room they ever stayed in and did not clean it up.

        3. Wow, that’s incredibly presumptuous. Are you unaware that dog allergens can also cause anaphylaxis? Peanuts contain a protein that your body is allergic to, some people are allergic to the proteins that a DOGS SKIN SHEDS.

          Some people, like MYSELF, have been hospitalized because they had an anaphylactic reaction to a dog. Funny thing about allergies, once you have a severe reaction it’s more likely your next reaction will be worse. I have a 10 min window being around a dog before my airway starts to close up and hives start appearing on my face and arms. My boyfriend has to shower and change his clothes before he touch me because his roommate has a golden retriever and if he brushes up against me I’ll immediately start reacting. I can’t be in an enclosed space for longer than 30 mins with my mom because I am so severely allergic to her pitbull that the proteins in her clothes cause me to start wheezing.

          This allergy dictates my ability to attend friend/family functions, ride planes or stay at hotels, what bars and restaurants I can go to because they’ve become so dog friendly. Renting a car, not to mention the apartments I can’t rent because they allow dogs or might had allowed a dog to stay in prior. And the older I get, the faster and more severe my reactions come on.

          At least you have a choice of what type of food goes into your body. This dictates what you eat not where. I can say that because I have a severe cashew/pistachio that I’ve been hospitalized for numerous times. Yeah it dictates my ability to eat food, I read every label over and over and over and every time I go out to eat I’m terrified but it’s manageable.

          I CAN NOT CONTROL IF SOMEONE BRINGS A DOG OR 5 ON A PLANE. I would last 20 mins before having to use epi which would be pointless because I’d be stuck in the sky still breathing in the same allergen that was killing me. It’d be like if you had a reaction to peanuts and someone used epi then poured some more peanuts in your mouth and told you to calm down.

          Your allergy is not more important than the dog allergy that could kill me.


          1. I could h written your post. Even my own family has chosen animals over mom or grandma. I really need to be in contact with others like me. I often feel depressed because of the constant shrinking of my safe world. I wish someone would help us…….maybe a really rich person with these allergies? At some sight I read only 6 million people in the whole country are dangerously allergic.

          2. Service dogs need to be replaced by machines when possible. For example, there are “smart canes” made for blind people.
            And the regulations about emotional support animals need to be tightened up.

        4. My actual DOCTOR just told me that I probably need an epipen for animals at this point. I’ve always been allergic but the past few years my reaction to animals has included sever chest tightening and my emergency inhaler does NOTHING.
          ALL ALLERGIES should be taken seriously not just food allergies and BTW I have those too.

        5. I have an anaphylactic allergy to CATS. A wet wipe is not going to do it for me. I have had 2 anaphylactic reactions to cats that simply bushed up against me before I could relocate. So, a wet wipe or a Benadryl won’t do it for me. In fact, I too carry EpiPens everywhere I go. Good heavens! Don’t make assumptions!

        6. Nope, I need an epi-pen. You are uninformed on how allergies work. Suggesting a wet wipe is absolutely laughable. Learn what severe allergies to animal dander entail to a HUMAN before insulting those of us who suffer badly from it.

        7. Unfortunately, my dog/cat allergy isn’t helped much by medication, and I’m extremely sensitive. I get sick for about 3 days if I breathe any of the air coming from a dog or cat.
          So the ADA provision about putting someone with a service dog in a different room or whatever, doesn’t help me.
          I can’t travel on a plane or bus at all, because of this.
          I get allergy shots, but I don’t tolerate the shots very well, so I’m still at a rather low dose, not high enough to reduce my sensitivity to dogs and cats.
          There are a lot of people with animal allergies who would have serious problems if they travel in the same space with a dog or cat.

      3. The reason for that is peanuts are not medication but if they were then peanuts would never be banded. A service animal and/or ESA is concidered a medication for someone with a disability. If airlines were to start banning service dogs they would also have to ban anyone with allergies from any aircraft because an aircraft will never be guaranteed allergy free. Even if dogs were banned who is to say your seatmate did not just rub and get licked all over by their dog before sitting next to you on the plane? therefor if you have a disability should carry your medication. If your alergitic to dog you probally have a medication you always carry because animals are everywhere. What makes that different from a person having one of many disabilities that a dog is their medication? Why should that passenger deserve not to fly with their medication? Airlines can only do what they can to reduce problems but they can not deny any passenger to fly with their medication which service dogs are considered regardless of personal beliefs.

        1. A service dog is a highly trained animal – it is not a pet.

          The majority of people who travel with dogs in the cabin of an airline do so in order to save the cost of paying for the dog to be in the hold. These people are selfish and mean. Animals/Human cohabitation ended in the Middle ages.
          The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.

          1. I agree with you that many people do abuse the system and those that abuse it normally have bad dogs that bite, bark and/or use the bathroom on the plane destroy it for those with a valid reason traveling with well behaved trained dogs. I would not say the peolr that abuse the system are mean they just don’t trust the airline with they furry family members in the cargo hold. Yes they save some money but most people abuse the system for the safety of their dogs as cargo dogs become extremely stressed and many occasions die from heat stroke. You are correct ESA are not recognised by ADA but they still require a doctor’s prescription. ESA is still concidered medication for a medical need (regardless if the person is lying about that need or not) and the requirements to travel with an ESA are much stricter then they are for a trained service dog. ESA require a doctors letter along with 2 other documents while a trained service dog only requires no paperwork or sometimes at the very least a single letter from a vet showing the dog has received a rabies shot. My dog has been on over 38 domestic flights and 4 international flights (we just returned from Cuba 2 days ago) she used to travel as my ESA but as of 5 months ago she has now officially reached the training level to become my official service dog. Our flight from Hawaii to Miami then Miami to Cuba and return required much less paperwork and verification as a service dog compared to when she was an ESA. The only difference is I can now proudly say with confidence she is my official service dog and fully covered by all of the ADA laws. I am not required to show the airlines a single medical document to validate my disability unlike an ESA where it is required. In the past as an ESA my Medical documentation came from my actual doctor that I frequently visit in person, most others sadly just pay online company fill out a form and get a doctors letter without ever visiting the doctor in person and sadly many times they do lie on the online form just to validate a medical need so they can travel and/or live in apartments that do not accept pets but must accept ESA.

        2. I am frustrated. I would respect people with disabilities to have. Service animal. But I’ve seen countless number of people abusing this right. 18 year olds whom are healthy and with another person can use other people. I am a brittle diabetic. With allergies and weekly I have to deal with my customers abusing this. I cannot ask or do anything to validate this but I am expected to have an allergic reaction because 80+% only think of them selves It’s not fair to the people who have a disability and it’s not fair to people who have to put up with these people who lie . What can anyone do?

          1. The first thing that needs to happen is that the “ADA protected community” (people with true disabilities) needs to revisit the law that was made to protect their rights and privacy while in public establishments with their legitimate, trained service animals.

            While I wholeheartedly respect the relationship between a truly disabled person and her service dog, and believe that they are a package deal…. The ADA contains a constitutional overreach that violates the rights of business owners to freedom of speech.

            The “2 Question” law is unconstitutional and needs to be repealed. Why? Besides the law itself being illegal and in a court of law, unenforceable… It’s also bringing more harm than good to the disabled community and their genuine service dogs.

            There are quite a few stories out there- where a fake service dog was allowed access into an establishment- only to attack and injure a real, working service dog who was minding his own business. In one case, his owner tried to protect her dog, then the fake service dog came after HER- injuring her.

            These sort of dangerous situations are becoming rampant, because the ADA has made it impossible for business owners to ask the questions that NEED to be asked, in order to weed out the fake from the real- putting EVERYONE in danger.

            If I were to have an unfortunate event — a car accident that left me unable to walk, or a stroke that left me with seizures- and I was suddenly in need of a service dog… The LAST thing I would be concerned about is whether some restaurant or bookstore owner asked me about my disability, or to see my dog’s papers. I would GLADLY pull my service dog’s papers from my purse or pocket- which serves as a guarantee that my dog HAS been properly trained, and HAS A RIGHT to be there.

            But what would make me even happier, would be the fact that because I was able to PROVE my dog has a right to be here– and some dishonest pet owner could not show the same proof, that the business owner in question has been able to SUCCESSFULLY weed them out, because I had papers and they didn’t. AND, my dog (and the small children around us) are much safer now because the fake service dog was not allowed in to harass, lunge at, defecate on the floor, or attack either my dog, or someone else’s child- (which happens alot lately)- because business owners will not stand up and fight for their constitutional rights! The 2 question rule of the ADA is an invalid, illegal law- and the supreme court would never uphold it if it had to go there.

            The disabled community needs to SPEAK UP. The law needs to be changed to respect the free speech of business owners- who should be completely in charge of their own establishment… Also there needs to be a solid, legal state registry for trained service dogs- and those papers need to be carried PROUDLY by the owner, ready to show at any time- so that business owners can take back control of the cleanliness, control chaos, and not to mention, insure the safety of ALL clients- not just those who enter with a dog.

        3. Emotional support animals are not recognized as service animals by the ADA. Allergies and and animal phobias are recognized and protected under the ADA.

          1. ASTHMA is a recognized ADA disability and is protected by the ADA, same as any other disability.

            ASTHMA sufferers can DIE if they have allergies to pet dander.

            ASTHMA creates a lack of oxygen, and an attack can be FATAL.

            Your dogs and cats can go anywhere, but somehow ASTHMA sufferers have to live constantly in fear (because of a legitimate disability, federally protected by the ADA) running away from your pets.

            Shame on you.

        4. My right to breathe supersedes the right of a person with a service dog. Lack of breathing leads to death. Lack of a service animal on a plane leads to severe inconvenience and/or another human helping that person during the flight. The right to breathe is greater than an animal. Death is greater than inconvenience. Put your dog in the cargo hold. Breathing is a fundamental function of life. Period.

          1. For 1 who gives you the right to determine what disability is more important? #2 You will not DIE from a pet allergy. If so provide evidence of cases on the record, how many people are dying daily from a pet allergy? Food allergy yes, pet allergy no! That’s the reason the law can ban peanut from aircraft. You don’t know why someone has a service dog you don’t know the nature of their disablity surely its not something easly controlled by medications such as allergy. If people were dying from pets there would be very drastic safety measures in place because airlines would not risk passengers dropping dead in flight, nor would hotels risk you dying in bed after you check in to the same room just occupied by a service dog! Service dog stay in same rooms you book it would be discrimination not to. Many service dogs even sleep in the bed dependent on the disability, Probably even drooled over your pillow, just a fact. If you understood anything about service dogs you would know your “inconvenience” statement is 100% impossible to be true defined by law.

            I’m equal opportunity & I don’t want you to die so I’ll fill you in and teach you the correct way because complaining gets you nowhere. Step #1 starts with your doctor. Have your Dr write in your records that your pet allergy is so bad you will die and it can not be controled with medication (this is a must!). Once a doctor supports this claim they must also be able to support “due to this disablity your unable to function within in your daily life” clearly this is due to your high risk of death when you encounter a dog. I promise its that simple. If you and anyone else with your condition does this, if doctors are willing to support it, so will the law, bottomline thats just how it works! Airline would have to make special arangments for you, if hundreds of people get this medical support this is what drives change, now the airlines, hotels, rental cars etc. would all be required to change policy to accommodate your disablity, I promise you. Right now your medical records say same as my wifes does for her allergy she not going to die and her allergy is controled by medication and all pen for emergency. Biggest problem is trying to find a doctor to support your death claims without losing their medical license. Without any history of people dying from pet allergy it’s a hard claim for doctors to support unfortunately, but keep trying maybe you can find one. If so then then you can transfer the medical support to law to have legal support. A true Service Dog handler fully has this type and level of evidence within their medical records and fully have the law supporting them 100%. The law protect the handler and this law is extended to the dog. You, airlines, hotels, cooroporate world will never never win against a true service dog handler regardless how much you cry and complain because handlers taken all the correct steps, have medical evidence, support and the law fully protect us. Most handlers normally have a laywer on standby in case any discrimination or possible safety issues to the dog arise. But seriously I do wish you best of luck finding a doctor to support your claims. I know allergies suck I live with someone who suffers (not pet), we wish everyone could have the best of both worlds. Keep trying to get the doctors & law on your side and let the corporate world sort it out, don’t argue and get angry with others that also suffer from a disability.

          2. I agree. I take 20 pills a day, 2 inhalers, eye drops, nasal spray epipen. Still have symptoms.
            Children traveling alone and the disabled can have a human do the services of said service animal. There also should be areas that are marked this area has had dogs. Or what about people with support cats. Can both dog and cat persons control there esp around the other? Also what about people in the workplace. We had a small cafe can’t be close to the dog. You bring that dog in I cant wait on you bc I’m going to the damn hospital then I’m losing 3 days pay bc that’s how long it takes me out. I think it will take sueing the ADA for for human rights here. Had a woman interview for a room. She had a little dog that pees indoors on a pee pad. She said I had to rent to her bc of ada. So I’m supposed to move out so she can stay even pthoughtp she cant afford the rent? Where is common sense???
            Dog people always want their butt lickers with them period.

        5. I carry an epipen on my person in public at all times because my LIFE THREATENING dog allergy causes anaphylaxis. It is unwise to speak as if you are an expert on other people’s allergies.

          A dog ran by me, outside, at my cousin’s rehearsal dinner (the owner did not inform my cousin ahead of time that they would be bringing their dog). It didn’t touch me and was gone in a second or two. A second later my nose started itching. A second after that, my throat started closing up as anaphylaxis set in. Pet allergens can be airborne.

          My life threatening allergy is as legitimate as yours and should be treated as such. We are asking to be treated with the same respect that we treat you. We are not treating your allergy like it’s unimportant. We are asking you to show us the same curtesy.

      4. The true reason for that is facts. There are many people on record that have died from food allergies peanuts and seafood are most dangerous. Fact is nobody has ever died from a pet allergy alone. It can be very uncomfortable but pet or dander allergy are not deadly although many people who dont like dogs try to make it seams they have a deadly alergy but where is any evidence of anyone dying only from a pet allergy? If there was some true cases of anyone dying from a pet allergy it would be taken much more serious but until people start dying pet allergies are kind of a joke as they can easly be treated with medications and without out med you will be very uncomfortable but will not die from it, unlikely a peanut allergy which will cause death. Thats just the facts.

        1. Allergies to animals can trigger asthma attacks. In the UK 3 people day every day from asthma, on average. I’m not sure what you imply by “pet allergy alone” – surely an asthmatic allergic response is deadly enough. They are not two unrelated conditions – they are both atopic conditions. There are also very rare cases of anaphylaxis to animal dander. Just important to get those facts right.

          My thoughts on the bigger picture?
          – If you suffer from such severe allergies, take a medical certificate when travelling.
          – If there is an ESA present, the allergy trumps the ESA and the passenger should either move to a different flight or put the animal downstairs.
          – With a service animal, it should be decided on a case-by-case basis.
          – If travelling with severe allergy/service animal, should be required to declare at time of booking. A warning can then appear whenever anyone else would like to book for the flight, to say that there will either be an animal on board, or that someone with a severe animal allergy may be on board and if you have a service animal your travel plans may be disrupted.

          What do you think?

          1. If you ask me I do not think any disability should trump another but if it was is a severe conflict between disabilities it should be first come first serve.

            I travel with a service dog which 100% of the time it must declared at time of booking along with paperwork approved by the airline well in advance, same for ESAs.

            Allergies on the other hand are not declared nor do they submit a medical certification to the airline during booking that I know of, I could be wrong? If they did have a medical certification saying animal dander could cause a near death experience then at time of booking it can be first come first serve if they can fly or not. From my experience those with allergies only come forward at the time of boarding when they notice a dog at the gate or in the aircraft.

            The biggest problem for allergies is the airline can never promise dander free aircraft so declaring a medical certification saying you may have a near death experience it may put you on the no fly list. Even if there is not a animal on board with you who at the time who is say there was not an animal in your seat on the last flight? Many flights land they do a quick walk through and reboard for departure. Same with hotels, rental cars, public areas there is dander everywhere you go. Bottom line if you have allergies and want to leave your home you must carry your medication to control it. If you have medication to control it and your able to function in everyday life why should anyone else’s disability be more or less important someone with allergies?

          2. Yes, you can never guarantee a dander-free environment. However, allergies-asthma can be MUCH WORSE if the source (dog) is present. My right to breathe supersedes anyone’s right to have a dog present for any reason. You won’t die without your dog, but the presence of your dog could actually kill me.

        2. John-you obviously know very little to nothing about allergies and asthma. Anaphylaxis is life threatening no matter what allergy caused it. Do a little research, talk to an actual doctor, try caring about something other than whether or not you get to have your dog whenever you want it. But hey, what do my multiple allergy/asthma medications, and ER visits due to animal induced anaphylaxis know about it…sure seems like a lot of money and time to waste because I was “uncomfortable”.

      5. Specially when allergies are an actual medical condition and fear of animals is an actual anxiety disorder and there’s no scientific documentation on emotional support animals other than they make their owners happy. People with allergies and animal phobias should organize and fight the emotional support animal policy it is directly infringing on our rights making it very difficult for us to travel. We are being given no real options to avert this situation and emotional support animal owners are being given precedence over us when emotional support animals are not recognized as service animals by the ADA.
        The ADA clearly states that places must be accessible to and usable by those with disabilities. No one can be left out or denied services because of a disability. They also cannot be left out due to ignorance, attitudes or stereotypes others may have about disabilities.

        The American Disabilities Act in Section 504, states a person with a disability is someone who has a physical or mental impairment that seriously limits one or more major life activities, or who is regarded as having such impairments. Asthma and allergies are usually considered disabilities under the ADA.

        Major life activities include:

        Going to school
        In 2008, the ADA was changed to include more people in the definition of “disabled.” Conditions that only show symptoms at certain times are now included. Asthma and allergies fit this definition. The ADA protects people with asthma and allergies even if reactions or attacks happen only when triggered. The ADA can help to create an environment where patients can avoid their triggers.

        In regards to Animal phobias the ADA does not contain a list of medical conditions that constitute disabilities. Instead, the ADA has a general definition of disability that each person must meet. A person has a disability if he/she has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, a record of such an impairment, or is regarded as having an impairment. So, depending on the severity of the animal phobia it could be protected under the ADA.

        Airports and Airlines have to try and accommodate us but often time don’t. The problem I think is because the ADA states a persons allergies and/or phobias cannot take precedence over the rights of a person using a service animal but the key thing here is that emotional support animals are not recognized by the ADA as service animals so airports and airlines are actually violating the rights of people with allergies and animal phobias according to the ADA.

        I haven’t flown in 3 years because of this. I’m severely allergic to cats and dogs and suffer from a fear of animals partly due to my allergies, I think we have a strong case.

        1. You got it, your hitting the head on the nail excatly. Now if you have an allergy thats can not be controled by medication to the point it will “disable” you when you stop breathing and you will die all you need to do is have your doctor support that claim. 100% if your doctor support that claim it will be supported by the ADA and by the law I I guarantee you. Problem now is everyone with a pet allergy has in their medical records that it’s not a disabling life-threatening condition and this condition CAN be controled by medication. Therefor in the eyes of the law you are supported hands down. If you want a higher level of support start with your doctor have them support your claims within your medical records and the law and the ADA will also support you accordingly as those with service animals are and just as those with service animals clearly have medical documents to also support their disablity. Not a hard process just have a supporting disablity and the law will authorised you the medical device for you to live your live if that maybe an epic pen, medications, O2 tank, inhaler or a service dog that is what the law provides bottom line.

        2. I too have severe animal allergies and virtually stopped flying because I get asthmatic when exposed to animal dander. Those of us with animal allergies need a way to find each other so that we can organize for changes.

          1. That’s not to hard with the internet you can find others in your situation in seconds arcoss the globe. If others like you truly wanted to find each other just do what any other group does start a social media page and they will come, form and bond. Raise the pitch forks and attack!! There are pages, fourms, and groups out there for the extream rarest diseases where just 5 people in the world find each other and connect through an internet page and those 5 people will gain world wide supporters. If you find enough people with your claim that truly belive they will die from dog allergy and the group builds supporters you maybe able to find a doctors & laywers also willing to support those claims then the group can gain some traction together, its worth a shot for better healh. Go for it!!

        3. Erica: An asthmatic CAN die from a pet allergy. If you can’t breathe, YOU DIE. Asthma medications will NOT work in the presence of the allergen that caused the attack, and then the sufferer has to be hospitalized if she/he is still alive when the ambulance comes. Such a shame that it will probably take several deaths to change the law. You’re just making up lies, because your convenience is more important to you than MY LIFE.

          1. Hi there! Another person with allergies and asthma who’s ADA rights are also being infringed upon. No, emotional support pets should not be infringing on our rights. If we can’t breathe, we die. Plain and simple. I’m ready to fight for our rights.

            We have the same rights as a blind person with a seeing eye dog. Technically we must be given equal accommodations. This means that schools, libraries, restaurant, workplaces, etc. Need to provide us clean and pet free spaces. Move over, Rover!

        4. Here’s the thing. If you read the ADA FAQ on their website, the very last question is about airlines following the ADA standards, more specifically if they HAVE to follow the standards. The answer is no. Airlines are under a completely different federal entity called the ACAA, so it seems to me that everyone referencing the ADA need to dig a bit deeper. Believe it or not, there is also a 3rd set of standards regarding Service Animals in the USA. It’s the ABA, established federally in 1973 and covers religion based establishments and privet clubs depending on the level of exclusiveness and it’s operations.

          The ADA, ABA, and ACAA all haVe their own sets of standards and regulations on a federal level, though they are very similar with slight differences among them. They are all also subject to State and Local accessibility codes (which each say on their websites that the federal guidelines/regulations are simply the base that must be met and to check state and local to see if they grant more “protection”) that may grant a broader definition to what a service animal is.

          Also, to those saying “My breathing is more important than your need of an animal” or “I can die from an asthma attack; people with service animals will only be inconvenienced without them”…you all do realize that legitimate Service Animals are living medical equipment prescribed by a licensed professional, physical or psychological, to provide necessary services that the handler/disabled person would not otherwise be able to do themselves, right? People who require detection services could very well die without their dog there to alert them to a seizure, heart attack/stroke, or high/low blood sugar levels. Then there’s dogs trained to help people with autism/aspergers or PTSD by preventing self harm or keeping them grounded enough to not harm others by lashing out. Those dogs are not only wholly focused on their person, they keep their person’s focus during an episode until they are able to calm down again. Sure, the psychological service animals don’t necessarily have to do with “life or death”, but how many people know what to do in a situation where the person goes so deeply into themselves that they literally have no clue what they are doing nor what’s happening around them.

          Neither group of people are at fault for their situation and neither should be made to feel second class. The reality of the matter is that even lung and allergy specialists advise those that suffer to always be prepared because you never know when you will come into contact with a trigger. People with food allergies have to be hyper vigilant when attending potlucks or buffets, because they can’t expect everyone else to accommodate their allergy. Those with pet allergies always run the risk, even if they step foot into a brand new establishment that has never had a single animal in it, by simply brushing into someone else that loved on their own pet hours before. I understand it’s not easy, but are you not taught to always be prepared with anything that can alleviate your symptoms no matter the severity?

          Now imagine being someone that actually requires a Service Animal to help with the examples I gave. None of those can be predicted by the handler with the exception of diabetes, but even that can be bad enough that you have maybe a minute to react.

          I can completely understand if the ACAA changes current policies to no longer include ESAs, since they are way too easy to fake, they don’t require any sort of training, nor are they required to maintain proper grooming. I can also understand not allowing Service Dogs that exceed a size in which they are to remain out of the way or that causes them to encroach on another person’s space. (Same goes for ponies, since they are federally recognized as the only other legitimate species, though Service Ponies are very rarely granted as there is a very small niche that fit the strict criteria for one.) To a point, I also understand if the Service animal was simply trained to retrieve or brace

          Again, I am not saying one is more important than the other In my book, I’m just saying that each has their own struggles to deal with in this situation, and we would all do better to show a bit more respect and understanding towards one another and do our best to find a compromise/solution that benefits all involved.

          1. Um, I think you need to medically check some of your facts. I also carry an Epi Pen for my sever asthma and pet anaphylaxis. Sitting on a chair that a cat has been on triggers it. The cat doesn’t even have to be present. Sitting in a plane, where air is circulated and recirculated, with a cat has led to the use of said Epi Pen and inhaler and a couple doses of Benadryl…and that’s after the seriously high dose of antihistamines I’m on every day anyway. And I would be willing to bet there are people out there with worse allergies than mine. Your allergies are not more important nor are they more severe. They’re just different.

      6. I’m not laughing at it but no one seems to realize that a proper service animal is literally an extension of their human. They are federally protected. No one with half a brain is going to deny entrance of one. The issue is the people who abuse this system. Would there be so many if airlines would offer pet specific flights or minimally invest in dog friendly cargo areas they’d address the issue of every day pet owners wanting their pets to be able to travel safely and remove most the problems for allergy sufferers. But as we know with seat & aisle shrinkage, it’s always profits>people

      7. Nobody needs peanuts to mitigate their disability, numnuts. But then, apparently the world revolves around you alone, so I’m not surprised that basic logic is not something you understand.

    3. It’s as if people who are allergic to animals are now second class citizens. No one cares that we cannot breathe around animals. It’s not ‘just’ getting a runny nose. Some people could get either severe asthma attacks or anaphylaxis, which both can bring on immediate death; even with immediate treatment.

    4. ANY argument that Bill, because of his disability, has a right to injure Tom is obscene on it’s face. The fact that the US Congress established this obscenity is a further affront to the liberty and dignity of all Americans.

  2. I work in a public place. I am not allergic to most service dogs however this particular customer has a dog that I am extremely allergic to. I asked the customer if he could allow another worker to serve him. He got a bad attitude. Again he comes to my work and demands that I service him. I got another employee to service the customer. He complained I was rude for not providing service. this man is in his late 20’s he has no defects or disabilities (maybe mental or emotional but not physical). He was accompanied by his wife and small daughter. There was really no need for his dog to come to the establishment other than this person enforcing his rights to have a dog. When I told him I was allergic to his dog he said “bullshit” his wife asked that he not repeat it and he said “that’s bullshit” a second time.

    1. If pet owners expect to be treated with respect, so should the people they affect, daphne — especially people who are allergic to animals. Consideration should be exercised both ways.

      There is no excuse for rudeness and profanity; and there is no reason why we all cannot do what we can to coexist peacefully.

        1. wow mark you sound like you have some serious anger issues, try kicking my dog and you’ll pull back a stump and I’ll slam you in the ground.

        2. Mark, YOU kick my trained Service Dog in the face & YOU will be attested and go to Jail & in court get fined for : animal abuse, interfering with a Service Dog Team and whatever else I ask my attorney to charge you with including a Federal ADA charge of discrimination. I do agree with Brian – it is a 2 way street but in MY case I do have a trained Service Dog but I will give courtesy & respect in return for courtesy & respect. Summery : Federal prison is not fun.

    2. Daphne,

      Please go to any indian grocery shop (from india) and get some good chili powder (ask the store owner for the super spicy). Gently spread the powder around that BS dog owner service area….believe me,,,it will do wonders next time after he clears all the dogshit 😉

      Be a gentlewoman and don’t ever take any bull manure from the morons

      I do that all the time when I fly and the airlines yet to find the magic powder…..hehheheheheh

      1. Servicemyassanimals You’re a horrible POS excuse of a human, advocating harming innocent animals for your own shits & giggles w/some lame attempt to being superior to others.

    3. Daphne, I know my reply will be ridiculously outdated, but I’m sorry you were mistreated by that guy. Because every situation cannot be solved or understood by non-allergic people, federal legislation is the only answer. God Bless You!

  3. I have a major cat allergy. I was seated in the same row as someone with a cat. When I inquired with the flight attendant they moved the catime person. I offered to buy him a drink but the FA said she already took care of him. Turned out to be no big deal.

    1. Compromise, compassion and cooperation usually renders what could potentially be a major issue into no big deal, Kam.

      I am glad what could have become an incident worked out in your favor — and kudos to you for offering to buy a drink for the fellow passenger.

    2. That’s terrific that is worked out well. Win win!

      Being allergic to cats is AWFUL. What’s worse is that if you tell people you have cat allergy, they immediately think that you dislike or even hate cats. Nothing could be further from the truth. I jokingly told my husband that if I weren’t allergic to cats I would have 100 of them. I *love* cats and would absolutely love to have one. They don’t love me back though….

      1. Jaime S., animal owners do not really care if you like animals or not. They will *never* have an understanding about animal allergies. Federal legislation is the only answer to help animal-allergic people, who are currently being treated as second class citizens by *every* business. It is hard for anyone else to have compassion for those who suffer from a disease they themselves do not have. Even if it can kill.

  4. PTSD dogs are not emotional support dogs. They perform a service, and are Service animals. My German Shep does crowd control when I’m having an attach by gently pushing people away using her side. She also sits by me until I’m able to regain control. When she smells the chemicals change in my body, she will bark at me so I can find a quiet place. That is a service. Please know the difference.

    1. This is what I found at the official Internet web site of the United States Department of Veteran Affairs, Caroline:

      “Owning a dog can lift your mood or help you feel less stressed. Dogs can help people feel better by providing companionship. All dog owners, including those who have posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can experience these benefits.

      “Clinically, there is not enough research yet to know if dogs actually help treat PTSD and its symptoms. Evidence-based therapies and medications for PTSD are supported by research. We encourage you to learn more about these treatments because it is difficult to draw strong conclusions from the few studies on dogs and PTSD that have been done.”

      The article is rather detailed:

      I do not doubt that your dog performs a valuable service for you; and I am sad to learn that you suffer from posttraumatic stress disorder and wish you all of the best…

      …but I am not qualified, knowledgeable or experienced enough to definitively determine and publicly state that dogs such as yours do indeed qualify for service animal status; and until there is enough clinical research to know if dogs actually help treat PTSD and its symptoms, I cannot contradict the information which is currently available.

      That does not mean that you should not continue getting the word out about your experiences and champion the effort to include PTSD dogs under the official definition as service animals, Caroline.

      Thank you for sharing that information. If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know…

      1. I am really a bit confused as to your stating that PTSD service dogs are NOT under the official definition given that they are specifically listed AS service animals in the quote you posted from the DOJ brief on service animals:

        “Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications,

        —–calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, ——–

        or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets. The work or task a dog has been trained to provide must be directly related to the person’s disability. Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.”

        But maybe you are no longer confused on the topic as it appears that this article is older, so perhaps you’ve been informed and/or read the DOJ brief that you quoted above. The VA doesn’t define what is or is not a disability or what is or is not a service animal. Just because they haven’t studied it doesn’t mean it’s not a legitimate service dog, as evidenced by the DOJ specifically mentioning PTSD service dogs in their service animal brief.

        1. A dog which is officially a legitimate service animal trained specifically for calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder during an anxiety attack is different from an animal classified unofficially as an “emotional support animal”, Elle.

          The article clearly states the differences between a service dog and an “emotional support animal” — and one of those differences is what you quoted: “Service animals are working animals, not pets.”

          While there may be passengers who travel with “emotional support animals” for legitimate reasons, there are many passengers who simply use their family pets to “designate” them as “emotional support animals” just to save on paying for airfare for their pets — and that constitutes fraud, in my opinion.

          There is no confusion on my part.

        2. Many emotional support dogs such as this used for PTSD are not specifically trained as the definition says. Think about the training a seeing eye dog goes through.

      2. Service dogs do not “treat” an illness or injury or disability. They perform tasks to help the disabled person function. Seeing eye dogs help lead sight impaired people. Dogs can alert hearing impaired people to sounds. They can pick up dropped items for a person in a wheel chair. They can detect high or low blood sugar or an oncoming seizure. They can distract a person from self harming behaviors or insist a depressed person get out if bed when their alarm sounds.

        It’s not treatment, a crutch doesn’t heal a broken leg, it just allows a person to be mobile using just one leg.

    2. That is terrific for you, but now your service dog has caused me harm by pushing me away by causing me to have severe hives and an asthma attack. Does this mean that I get to find a way to deal with my issue that causes someone else an issue that I can not care about at all?

    3. I’m glad you have helped define this discussion, Caroline. It’s understood in my family that PTSD is very serious, sometimes life-destroying. Do you think there’s a way to protect people with very serious allergies, particularly where dog dander is a trigger for a full-on asthma attack?

    4. CAROLINE, so your dog would invade my space by pushing me away, effectively terrorizing me (as someone with a severe phobia of dogs)? Now why does your anxiety take precedence over my anxiety? I may not have fought in a war, but I save lives in other ways (as a surgeon).

      1. That’s a nonsense comment if you had a severe phobia of dogs why would you get so close to the dog in the first place that the dog would need to push you away? Thays like saying I scared of water and I can not swim but if I jump in that 10ft pool will someone save or protect me? Hello lets use some common sense if your scared of dogs or allergic to them when you see them outside you just stay away regardless if the dog is a stray, pet, working or a service dog common sense tells you stay away and you dont need to be pushed by the dog and your extream phobia of dogs would not be a problem.

    5. I don’t know if this will help or not, but please don’t take offense to this. An emotional attack, to the best of my knowledge, cannot kill. Can it? I could be wrong. However, anaphylaxis can kill.

  5. Stop getting into hypothetical research claims. According to the ADA, if the dog perform a specific task like isolating the handler from people, alerting the handler to an anxiety attack, and so forth, that is a service dog because the dog is performing a task to mitigate a psychiatric disability. If the dog performs a task to mitigate a disability whether that disability is is a cool or mental, that dog is a service dog. And emotional support dog is different because that dog is not trained to perform a task. That dog may keep you calm through companionship. And emotional support animal can be any animal where as a service animal can only be a dog or a miniature horse. If you have PTSD, you could have an emotional support animal or a service animal depending on the situation. If the dog just keeps you COM through companionship, it is any motional support dog, but if that dog mitigate your PTSD by alerting you to attacks, pushing people away from you, and bringing you to a quiet place when you can’t function well enough, It is a service dog. If any dog is trained to perform a task to mitigate a disability regardless of what that disability is, it is a service dog. It may be confusing, but you need to stop thinking about whether the disability is psychiatric or not. You need to think of it in terms of whether the dog is performing a task, or whether the dog has been prescribed to calm through companionship. It is true that the Americans with disabilities act does not require documentation because businesses would really take advantage and leave disabled service dog handlers waiting outside until employee could look at an ID. People love power, and businesses would love to exert power over disabled handlers in this way. However, the Americans with disabilities act does not apply on airplanes. The air carrier access act applies on airplanes, and an airline can request documentation under the air carrier access act. This is because it wouldn’t create a situation where a person with a disability is basically marginalized by having to show an ID everywhere they go. I think it is possible to accommodate both disabilities. If you have a dog allergy, it would be considered a disability, and if you are not being accommodated effectively, you have the same rights under the ADA, fair housing act, and air carrier access act. If you encounter service dog handlers this seem suspicious of you and your legitimate dog allergy, don’t be offended. A lot of people lie and say they have dog allergies because they think it will get them out of including a service dog in their business and so forth. Remember that for every one person who has legitimate dog allergies, there are 10 others who are lying about the issue just because they don’t want a person with a disability and their service dog in their establishment.

    1. I simply reiterated the official definition of a service dog as cited by the federal government of the United States, Sabra.

      As for my adamant stance on the matter, my whole point with the series of articles which I wrote pertains to those who abuse the system just to get away with transporting their pets without having to pay for them to travel — not to those who have a legitimate need…

      …and I do not recall ever intentionally dismissing a legitimate need for a service dog merely because the disability is not physical.

      1. Brain Cohen . sorry but you quoted the Dept of Veterans a=Affiars & last time I checked the Dept of Justice is also FEDERAL as is the ADA FEDERAL. Per ADA – a person with a dog allergy & a person with a Service Dog – BOTH can be accommodated. For the record , Brian Cohen – my DISABILITIES are not physical so are YOU saying that I do not need a Service Dog based on YOUR criteria ??

        1. To repeat what I wrote: “As for my adamant stance on the matter, my whole point with the series of articles which I wrote pertains to those who abuse the system just to get away with transporting their pets without having to pay for them to travel — not to those who have a legitimate need…

          …and I do not recall ever intentionally dismissing a legitimate need for a service dog merely because the disability is not physical.”

          So no, Robert L. Bridges, I am not saying — nor have I ever said — that you or anyone else does not need a service dog as long as the purpose is legitimate…

          …regardless of whether or not the genuine disability is physical.

          If, however, you are knowingly and purposely abusing the system, then you better believe that I have an issue with that…

  6. It is odd though because these laws have been in effect for almost 26 years and people still don’t know the difference between a service dog and any motional support animal.

    1. …which is why I reiterated those differences as clearly as possible in multiple articles, Sabra.

      You and I are probably more in agreement on this issue of service dogs versus emotional support animals than you might believe…

  7. I so appreciate this article because I have a TRAINED service dog. She is a large dog, but she is trained to curl up into the space we have. I know that if we have a bulkhead she is best because she will stay in our seat space even on a tiny plane. I won’t book a flight unless we can have a bulkhead window. I also travel with a t-shirt for her because if the person next to me is allergic the t-shirt will actually help immensely with them not being bothered by her dander. I am always so angry by people who have dogs they travel with and don’t respect other passengers. I also must add, that all of the flight attendants are amazed that she just goes directly to her spot and stays on her blanket regardless of the length of the flight, or the amount of space that she has available to her. If anyone would like to explore this issue further, please contact me because I would love to be an advocate for passengers who have allergies or shouldn’t have their leg space invaded by a service dog.

    1. Thanks for your message Sandy. I’m terribly allergic to cats and all of this “emotional service animal” garbage, and I only say garbage because soooo many people are abusing the service animal title to do what they want rather than for an actual need, has caused me plenty of issues. It was nice to see a note from someone considerate of those of us with respiratory challenges. I appreciate your efforts to make the people around you more comfortable.

    2. Sandy, would you feel discriminated against if hotels only allowed people with animals (whether service or pet) on certain floors? Or if they had certain airplanes for pets? I’m still recovering from when I had a rental car that had pet dander and had to go to the hospital. My breathing hasn’t been the same for 1 and 1/2 years. And oh my goodness I’m crying just thinking about it now… it sucks to actually have to notice myself breathing. Something that should be so natural for me, but I notice every single breath. Anyways, my concern at the hotel is that the pet dander may be left over in the room, and maybe even in the vents. I just don’t think that secluding animals to certain floors is considered discrimination because other people have to be considered.

      1. Jay, non-animal-allergic people will *NEVER understand*. It’s time for animal-allergic people to start calling their federal congressional representatives & senators to demand equal rights. The A.D.A. act is *NOT* being fairly applied; and businesses are not making exceptions for people with respiratory diseases or life-threatening allergies.

        1. I live in Florida and I’m going to write a letter this weekend. Every time I have an allergy attack, I find my way back to this post.

  8. I don’t deny that some animals do some good for some people. HOWEVER, 2 of my kids have extreme dander allergies (and yes they can eat peanuts and gluten). We did not realize until 2 hours into an 11 hour flight that the sudden coughing fits were really asthma brought on by the cat seated in the row in front of us. Hives and swollen/black eyes followed. I now travel with Benadryl pills that i can mush up (children’s liquid bottle size exceed FAA regulations), as well as a rescue inhaler to share. With all these people being kicked off flights for no reason, I am afraid to speak up, but I wish animal owners understood the implications of their pets being on board and at least let people around them know that Fido is under the seat. And I shouldn’t be afraid of being kicked off the flight for requesting a seat farther away from the animal.
    For some reason, old-fashioned “seeing-eye dog” owners don’t cause the same issues and are much more socially responsible than people who call their spoiled pets “service animals”. -in fact, in my neighborhood, they seem to be the only ones that properly “curb” their dogs in the gutter.

  9. Christina I agree with you . I have 5 kids the youngest has sever issues do to dog dander . Why is her health less then the person that uses a dog ? They wouldn’t die without there dog but my child can by having to deal with one that we can’t get away from . Like on a plane . At Disneyland we had a issue after a person had a dog in a backpack and left hair all over the ride . Her eyes swelled and it was enough to make us leave the park . Why can we not ask for proof ? Why is my or my kids health not more of a consern . I don’t mind proving she has sever allergies why don’t they have to do the same ? I AM ASKING THAT ALL SEEVICE DOGS HAVE ID . That all people using a service dog have to show proof or certification that there dog is a trained service dog . I have wal mart for all the fakes there with there house pets . I am just totally fed up . At this point with my 2 year olds heath issues i can only hope someone that matters takes up a fight to get this changed and a way to charge fakers that can show that there dog is a trained service dog .

    1. Hey just so you know in the US and UK there is no registration for service dogs and all “registers” are scams. It tends to be one of the easiest ways to tell a fake they will happily tell you all about their dogs registration whereas most real service dog owners will tell you that their dog cannot be registered

  10. I feel like the situation in the world today is that if I book a flight and so does a blind person with a seeing eye dog or someone with PTSD does, my possible death from being in a recycled air pressure chamber is less of an issue than either of them being inconvenienced for a short time. My allergies don’t care what your animal is doing, only that it is an animal. When will issues like this be addressed?

    1. Not having a service dog with them is much more than an inconvenience, what if it’s a medical alert dog? That’s life or death. If you have that severe of allergies do you not travel with emergency medications? Many people are allergic to perfumes, should airlines require people to not wear any? Should they have showers in the terminals to make people wearing perfume decontaminate? (actually yes since too many bathe in the stuff) Are your allergies to dogs more important than one to perfumes? I’m betting more people are bothered by the overabundance of perfume than dog dander. What happens if there was a dog in your isle the flight before? Sure they clean but they don’t decontaminate. What if I was seated next to you & I hugged my dogs that were in the car when I was dropped off, I’d probably trigger you if you’re that sensitive to a dog a few isles up. I get it’s dangerous for you but there are medical interventions you could take to protect yourself. Maybe airlines need to offer allergy free flights or would you not be willing to not have so many options available to you?

      1. L. lots of sarcasm here… but only the last thing you said matter and proves our point…

        “Maybe airlines need to offer allergy free flights or would you not be willing to not have so many options available to you?”

        We’d love that, L. We allergy suffererers would love allergy free flights l, hotel rooms, rental cars, etc. It’s the pet and service animal owners who are not willing to compromise – they cry discrimination, thus the ADA classification. Bottom line… Human beings with allergies need to be considered. And we aren’t.

        1. Jay, They. Do. Not. Care.
          *Only* specific federal legislation will help. Sometimes compassion; and action, *must be legislated*!

      2. The flight’s with separate planes is a good idea but my asthma and pet allergies are triggered. Y cats and dogs. While some are eligible for immunological therapies some that have respiratory disease or muscular dystrophy or other health concerns can not.

        For those of us with the condition do you think we do not ask. I have one of the top Immunologist in the country he writes emphatic letters. As does my pulmonologist. I think that it is going to come down to separate flights. And or law suits.

      3. L., it is *NEVER* a *GUARENTEED* outcome, that a person having an asthmatic or anaphylaxis attack will be saved by medicine. It is just not 100% effective.
        Could you live with knowing someone died as a direct result of exposure to your animal?

        1. Jan, there are *NO* **GUARANTEES*** in anything we do in life. The airline could decide you’re not flying with them and have you yanked off the plane violently. You could get into a cab that just had a cat person in it and die before getting on the plane. I am betting more dogs have died flying in the cargo hold than people not responding to their medications inside the plane.
          The only way I’d feel horrible about my dog killing someone would be if they attacked them, I would not fault them for just existing, but if someone close to me was allergic I would be willing to move as long as there would be room for both of us.

        2. I have a service dog so I can be notified if I’m going to have a seizure- something no human can predict. I have a service dog so it can bring me my medications and help me to breathe so I don’t fucking die. My disability is life-threatening and I will not put my possibility of death aside just so you won’t have an allergic reaction. Your allergies do not outweigh my risk of death.

          1. Wow, so your dog can kill kids with allergies that risk their death!! You’re a terrible person just in the fact that you think your life is more important than anyone else’s. That’s disgusting thought process. Period.

          2. Please show any single case ever of any single person dying from a pet allergy alone. Its not possible and has never happened. If that truly was the case and people were dropping dead from pet allergy there would be more safety measures put in place from all of the over dramatic people claiming they will die its never going to happen you will be uncomfortable maybe sneezing or some itching but you or anyone else is not going to die from a pet allergy. I sat next to one of the dramitic I’m going to die claimed on a 9 hr flight with my dog who did not move the entire flight. The lady sitting next to me had no idea a 73lb dog was right next to her feet. She never sneezed or scratched the entire 9 hr flight but the moment we were departing and she saw she was sitting next to a large dog she started the dramitics, oh im going to die im deathly allergic… She started to scratch her self and acting over the top such a drama queen. Her only risk of death was falling hitting her head during her drama show of how she is so affected. Crazy not a single word or reaction from her on a 9 Hr flight she was only allergic not from dander she was allergic from the site of the dog she was sitting next to.

    2. I’m with you.
      I respect that some people, such in the case of blindness, require a service animal however feel that the issue of ES, emotional support animals is quite a different issue.

      There is little or no document required and as fees have been waived people are now completely abusing this issue.

      I have severely and deadly asthma.
      What are my rights? I book in advance and do everything possible to try to avoid this situation but there is nothing I can do.

      Another passenger on a plane can be sitting 2 rows down without my knowledge and I can die. I can tolerate some small non-allergic dogs but cannot be in a room with a cat for 5 minutes. I constantly ask if there are pets booked and once boarded if anyone has boarded with a pet without booking. I will move as far as possible but as others have noted the dander and hair is flowing trough the air system.

      Maybe if someone like myself dies from a severe asthma attack and the airline is sued, they will finally take this serious.

      These people who say, take your medication do not understand.
      It is not a matter of itchy eyes and a runny nose. My bronchial tubes close and I get mucus plugs that stop my breathing. There is no medication to take. When you are experiencing a severe asthma attack you must get immediate medical attention and an immediate injection of epinephrine. I travel with an EPI pen however it is very dangerous to take and you must seeks immediate medical attention once taken. You can have a heart attack. Now the price of EPI pens has sky rocketed to $500.00 so I can no longer renew the EPI pen annually to keep on hand for air travel.

      I am only asking for some understanding and compassion here for those with severe allergies and asthma., as I understand the need for service dogs.
      It is the issue of ES,A emotional support animals and the laxed regulations by the airlines that has the situation now out of control.
      I am willing to book in advance to ensure my safety.

      There must be a way to work together on this issue.
      What can be done?
      Is there a petition?
      We need to do something.

      It has gotten to the point that I can no longer travel by air.

      1. Dawn sadly your correct before any changes will be made people will need to start dying from pet dander. There must be some cases on file that pet dander is able to cause death. The fact that not a single person has ever died from dog dander means there will never be changes until its actually killing people. There are millions of cases of nearly everything in live that’s not changed or made better until they have factual case studies of it causing death. Look at all of the safety features on cars do you think they just made them better because everyone was safe? No people had to die then it was improved. There will need to be a time for dog dander directly causing a handfull of deaths before any changes will be made and thoses deaths will need to be free of any other foreign bodies. If 3 people die from dog dabder that are high on acid Unfourtially there death will be ruled as acid alwas likely cause of death so hopefully only healthy people start dying by dog dander so their sacrifices can help better the future for other deadly dog dander people walking around. True change is only made through sacrifice.

    1. It amazes me that you can read the comment before yours and all you can come back with is, here is my proof in favor of service animals. This is the proplem. No compassion for “mankind”. Remember us?

    2. Please tell me, I’m honestly ignorant about this issue. Can someone with P.T.S.D. die from a P.T.S.D. attack?
      How about anyone with panic disorder, anxiety or depression? Can they suffer sudden death from these disorders?
      I know with 100% certainty, that people with allergies to animals *can die* quickly, from not being able to get enough oxygen into their lungs, to their hearts, brains and body when they are having an asthmatic attack due to a life-threatening allergy.
      They can also die from anaphylaxis, which is sudden death caused by being exposed to animal dander.

      1. Can someone die of a PTSD attack? Yes…on average 22 United States Military personnel kill themselves daily due to PTSD symptoms. There’s medication for anaphylaxis, several minutes to administer those meds at the onset of an attack and if you are that sensitive that you can’t be 20′ from a dog then you damn well better have those meds close on hand at all times…(whenever you are out in public, because you never know where a trigger lies next, right?) Quite often that service dog is the only medication keeping their people together, and that keeps them alive as well as those around them safe. Show some respect for PTSD, it’s not some bullshit issue, it kills people, dogs are a medically accepted form of treatment.

  11. I have spent enough time sitting in various hospitals beside my eldest daughter to understand allergies that trigger asthma. The worst was six days in the Intensive care ward followed by a recovery week in a regular ward. My daughter is triggered the worst by forest-fire smoke, not dog dander, but believe me, I get the picture.

    By observing this whole thing, I am sure that nothing will improve until a little girl dies right there in-flight, with a service dog less than five feet away. The parent will need to be right there, administering proper medication, and the child will have to die in spite of that. The scene will need to be captured on somebody’s phone, and it will have to go viral or at least make the national TV news.

    If she dies in hospital later that day after leaving the airport in an ambulance, nothing will change. If she dies because a service dog on a previous flight left some dander on the seat, nothing will change. It will require an undeniable visual link between the presence of a dog, and the death of a child.

    Laws don’t get fixed because of harm or risk of harm where public doubt can be present.

    1. Kevin, it is so sad, but you are most likely correct.
      Either that or it would be taken seriously if it happened to *someone important’s* family member.
      It should *NOT* have to come to that!
      Calls to Congress &/or *maybe* calls for federal representation by a national Asthma & Allergy Association, regarding this matter, to call for federal laws for equality for *ALL* who are ill or disabled. The exception to equality is this: if a person can *die* in *any* particular situation, from their disease; and another would *not die*, then obviously, we know who needs to be medically protected in that situation.
      We’ll have to legislate compassion and action to prevent allergic people from dying.

    2. Kevin, your 100% correct thats the hard truth. Since nobody has died from a dog allergy the laws will never change until it starts to happen. Its very unfourtinate but its the price we pay. Thousands of PTSD sufferers that had to die before the laws were changed and they laws protected them after the proven tasks have saved life now its protected by law. I belive before the laws will change for people with dog allergies there will need to at least not be just 1 case it would need to be maybe even 50-100 cases where people started dying. For now if there was even 1 single case of someone dying from a dog allergy maybe it can inspire change but service dogs for many reason be it PTSD, blind, diabetic, mobility etc… There are so many cases to be tried and proven in to law why service dogs are necessary. That’s just the life we live in blood must be spilled before change happens.

  12. I have on MORE than one occasion specifically asked the gate agents to inform me if someone has a severe pet allergy when I take my ESA on a flight. I travel weekly for work, and when my husband died suddenly, and violently in front of me from a reaction to prescription medication, taking a bunch of prescription medication for the PTSD associated with it was not an option for me. While I travel with a dog every week, I still view it as a privlege not a right and I’m sensitive to others that paid good money to be on that flight. I honestly feel that those with allergies should have the right of way when it comes to these situations. I have voluntarily chosen to take another flight because of someone with allergies because it’s my choice to chose an ESA over medication, it’s not their choice to have to deal with it. And trust me, people who abuse the ESA system are sick and are absolutely despised by those of us who have legitimate issues. I also feel that ESAs should be required to stay under he seat, in a carrier, like any other pet. United has told me on several occasions that since my dog is an ESA she can ride on my lap. Absolutely not. That’s a great way to stir up even more dander and hair, and upset folks with fear or even mild to moderate allergies. It shouldn’t be an option for an ESA, much less encouraged by the airline. Long story short, even as someone who flys with an ESA every week, I feel the system is backwards. I shouldn’t have to beg the airline staff to inform me so I can be reaccomodated before someone with allergies has to change their plans, it should be the rule. Period.

    1. Thank you Gina – if all ESA owners were as thoughtful and considerate as you, there would be virtually no issues.

      *YOU* understand! And *YOU* have explained the situation SO WELL!
      I thank God for people like you, who understand what others are going through, even though you are not.
      I am *SO VERY SORRY*, for the loss of your husband that you have suffered! That must have truly been a gut-wrenching, life-changing experience for you, to lose the LOVE of your life, senselessly, right in front of you. I’m just so sorry for you!
      Thank You for growing in compassion towards others, when most of us would have probably crawled under a rock to die, out of heartbreak, if we had to endure what you have.
      Thank You for taking *SO MANY STEPS* to help others who no one else cares about. May God Bless You!

  13. I have allergies also. Perfume, cats,birds and have been exposed to all on planes and boarding area. My niece got lice on a flight.
    Thinking outside the box !
    Can the airline require that the animal be required to be groomed, clean 24 hours before the flight? Most service are pristine. Its the emotional lap dogs, cat and bird ladies that I’m talking about. This would cut down the contamination of the interior air quality. Just a wild thought

    1. Ma, it’s a good start! And that should honestly be the least of requirements to prevent the possible deaths that can occur from the exposure to animals and other allergens, by those with asthma and allergy diagnosis.
      Also, when you said it was “just a wild thought”, you really said it all!
      Animals belong to nature, and to be out in the wild. A lot of people are now elevating animals, and their animals’ needs, over those of other *human beings*.
      Our compassion for each other is being displaced by our compassion for nature’s animals. If another person could die from your animal, but that doesn’t bother you; then maybe you should open your eyes and your mind, to see that person is another person’s precious family member. Just as precious to their family as *YOU* are to your own family.

    2. You should know you are mad at the wrong species for that head lice, lice are species specific parasites so now will you advocate head checks as part of the security check? I’m all for that, I don’t want head lice from your niece either, lets have mandatory showers and de-perfume everyone too. ALL animals require a health certificate , usually no older than 45 days, to fly, doubt most humans would meet the standards put on to animals

  14. Normally I wouldn’t comment but I just really had to get this off my chest. I’m allergic to a lot of things peanuts, cats, dog dander, fur, all the fun ones. I truly believe that service dogs/animals help poeple and should not be discriminated against, but I find it hard to believe that some people on this thread take so lightly to allergic reactions considereding the topic is about helping people. I ALWAYS carry my EPI pen with me and I have a medical ID bracelet that I wear religiously. There have been many occasions when I have suffered anaphylactic shock because of the animals around me, now I’m no expert on the matter either but I know quite a bit from experience. When I start to stop breathing it’s a race against the clock, I have somewhere between 5-10 minuets before I stop breathing compleatly and about 2-3 after that before I’m passed out, 3 more minutes and I have permanent brain damage. If I have stoped breathing for more than 7 minuites I’m officially beyond care and unless a miracle happens I’m actually dead. So if you total that up I have at a around a maximum of 17 minutes to live as soon as I start having a severe reaction. If I get my EPI pen in time there is no guarantee it will work I once had that happen and it was the scariest feeling of my life because I actually thought I was going to die, if it had not been for a bystander calling 911 I would probably have been. But that’s the issue that I take, you in no feasible way can land a plane in 17 minutes and have medical personal at the scene within that time even accounting for an emergency landing. So while I understand compleatly and sympathize with people who own service dogs for a verity of reasons the lack of empathy from some poeple here is chilling. And even while I understand that there are immeadate needs for service dogs such as PTSD and narcolepsy and many other such immediate care needed that only a service animal can provide I also know while those are serious health concerns they cannot kill you within 17 minutes and please don’t bs me with suicide (which is a very serious topic that I don’t take lightly) a service dog is not the only way to prevent such deaths, but not having one on a plane could prevent mine. Again I’m not suggesting no service or emtional support animals on a plane I’m just giving some perspective because currently with the system the way it is I don’t travel on planes at all. Is it fair? No. Do I think laws are meant to be revised an made better for everyone? Yes. Just some food for thought.

    1. How many people do you know who died in 17 mins or ever from a pet allergy? Please point me to any reports showing statics of people who died from a “pet allergy” I sure can not find anything yes life threatening severly uncomfortable if your one of the very few in that situation, but death? Give me a break highly highly unlikely. But I do understand your concerns and reasons to make it a “deadly” allergy as you dont want to be on meds and be super uncomfortable.

  15. I just found out that my recently-discovered favorite coffee shop is pet friendly. I was unable to go inside and order coffee due to a pet owner with her small dog on the counter. I was taken aback. I loved the place.

    I’m not the type to get itchy eyes and a runny nose. Within minutes, a fire starts in my lungs and my throat starts swelling shut. It is the worst feeling in the world. I have to go straight to the hospital. My inhaler definitely isn’t going to do shit.

    I wrote the coffee shop and said they should put a “No people with pet allergies allowed” sign on the door.

    I know it sounds dramatic, but we are truly a minority that society makes feel lower than dogs.

    We’re not lower than dogs. We’re normal people, with hopes and dreams, and FEELINGS. We’re also good for companionship and some of us are pretty damn cute as well.

    We should not be treated like second class citizens who can’t even get a cup of coffee without fear of death.


  16. My brother and his wife have a handicapped child. They decided to claim thier very poorly behaved beagle as thier emotional service animal. Even though the dog really wasn’t, no one would ever dare question the legitimacy of the dog because thier child is so handicapped. It makes me so frustrated that it’s so easy to be dishonest about this, at such an inconvenience to those allergic or uncomfortable with these pets.

  17. I have severe allergies and a chronic allergic disease that is triggered by dog dander– it came after years of trying everything in the book for dog dander allergies. Allergies are not a joke, not easily medicated like commercials make it seem, and dander sticks onto things and travels and alters the physical nature of a building in ways that only serious cleaning and absense of animals can repair. These numerous “service animals” are bringing in enough dander to cause a large proportion of people to have asthma and allergy attacks that can be deadly, can be harmful, can be chronic. I had a heart attack from allergic eosinophils surrounding my heart and choking it. I get hives and serious asthma attacks and an entire flare of my allergic disease and find it difgicult to go places because everyone wants the right to bring their dog everywhere using every excuse in the book. Well you are wrong people– and you are hurting people with real diseases and disabilities and their right to breathe.

  18. If I was in your shoes with such a severe allergy and breathing problem I would consider if your leaving the confines of your home to carry a medical device of an O2 tank and mask so your breathing clean air. Just as you dont understand what medical service trained dogs provide for people who are not blind others can not understand your allergies and why someone so severe does not walk around with a mask? Dogs, cats animals with dander are everywhere you go regardless if they are wild, pets, service dogs, working dogs etc etc its impossible to advoid once you leave your home. Instead of trying to fight a losing battle as they are medically proven to provide many medical benfits not to mention all of working benfits for police and military etc… if I was in your shoes I would spend more time search for ways to protect yourself outside your home for the unadvoidable situations.
    Bad thing for people with dander alergies the odds are against you. There is a extreamly small precent of people that have any true life threatening pet allergy, unlike those with more serious food allergies. Severely uncomfortable yes but there are also shots and medication to contol it. Compare those # to the # of dogs which are given full public access (countless medical conditions & working), its not going away anytime soon.

    1. So you believe a “possible reaction” that can be medically controlled in most situations is more important than someone who literally needs her dog to walk across a room and for survival? Arguably I would say you are very wrong

  19. I can’t fly with animals. I can’t afford a hospital visit or suffering for up to 5 days until the very harsh allergy symptoms subside. I don’t just have a runny nose and occasional sneezing. It is a full-out attack on my body. Once you have had it…. you never want to have it again.

    I once avoided hotels because of their policies that allowed smoking. I will avoid flying until airlines can promise “clean” cabins for people who suffer from allergy disabilities.

    1. Wow you should check to get some medication for that if your that bad or better just stay I doors, for sure don’t travel. Not only are animals on the plane they are also in your rental car and all over the hotels. In fact they are all over the the airport even behind the scenes snififing your baggage as well as every other public place you would want to go. Where I live you would not even be able to enjoy nature or lookout points they are covered with feral cats. My dog even comes with me to the movie theater and restaurants how do you survive daily life with your condition not to mention flying on an aircraft? Best of luck

      1. Stay at home or go to a mental hospital. You’re not special, you just need lots of drugs to be normal. LEAVE YOUR PET AT HOME

        1. Wow, your ughh user name is what I think of your inane comment. I’ll never understand people who hate animals…psycopathy, perhaps could be a plausible cause for their deep seated loathing of sentient beings. I believe that the supposed humanist argument are just ways to try to make their individual needs more important than others.

  20. Does no one care that the author compared an ESA to a fat person? What a jack@ss. People lie about their “service animal” so they don’t have to pay the fee. I got peed on by someone’s “emotional support animal” on a flight. The flight attendant blew it off when I complained about it. I complained to the airline and they gave me $200. That was nice bit even better would be no pets on the airplane.

  21. Basically, what I’m hearing is that someone who is feeling sad or anxious Trump’s the person who cannot physically breathe. What is more important someone’s feelings or the ability to take in air???

    A service dog should be kept in the cargo area. To me this is common sense and would meet both people’s needs with respect.

    1. Service animals are considered medical equipment and after spending thousands of dollars on that equipment, not to mention it is a living being, makes putting it in cargo a ridiculous suggestion. Maybe people with allergies could ride on a private plane or better yet in cargo. I hate to tell you that putting my service dog in cargo does not mean you are not sitting next to dog hair since its probably all over me.

    2. Animals die in cargo at an alarming rate. And as of right now, there are no other options for people travelling with animals – pets or service- to get to their destination that dont involve use of shared public spaces, such as airlines and hotels.

      If there was a section for people travelling with pets, it alternatively, an allergen free section for people with documented allergies, then the problem would be solved. I’d gladly go into a pressurized cargo hold to comfort my dog ifmi would and avoid sitting or disturbing other passengers. That option is not afforded to me, so I pay an additional fee of half the cost of my seat so that my tiny dog can travel in her carrier at my feet.

      Just as I comply and prepare for travel to impact others as little as possible, shouldn’t people with such high mortality risks from allergen exposure also do their part and take personal responsibility to ensure their own safety, such as possiblewearing a mask whilemin pubkic spaces, always carrying their medication, and giving the airline prior notice to be able to be seated as many rows away as possible from the potential allergy source?

      People with animals should be responsible, and though sadly not everyone is, most I’ve witnessed are considerate and well prepared when traveling. I hope allergy sufferers do their part to care for themselves too so that we can coexist without any suffering, and without all the vitriol I’ve been reading on this thread aimed at those with animals, especially service animals.

  22. I have anaphylactic reactions to animal hair. My throat swells shut and I cannot breath, I also have chronic idiopathic hives that cause severe angioedema (swelling of the face and lips). We were at a buffet restaurant and a lady with a dog dressed in a tuxedo was holding her pet under her arm, filling her plate with food. The dog is directly by the food, causing pet hair to get into the food, her dog hands touching the serving utensils. We tried to call the health department but they are closed on Saturday, and according to this article there is nothing anyone can do anyway. Anybody can say their pet is a support animal, the jackets are for sale online. Where do we get to draw the line???

  23. Support animal’s are not aloud in resturants only for housing and airplanes. Service animals have full access. If the person was allowing their animal to do all of that then they are clearly wrong and its not a service animal. For that you can report it without risk to yourself. I’m sure that person does not have the proper documents to show the courts they have a certified service animal. If they did then they can turn it around on you and sue you for harassment. If your going to report it make sure the animal is clearly doing something that’s nkt a service animal behaivor.

  24. And all of that is trumped by a service animal which is recognised by the ADA. So which disability trumps the other as they are all protected and also conflict each other under the ADA.

    So lets say there a passengers on the plane one is allergic to dogs, another has multiple allergic reactions and has an Allergy detection service dog, and another passenger with diabetic alert service dog.
    All 3 passengers are protected under the ADA who gets priority when they all have equal rights under the ADA? The airlines hands are tied and can only inform passengers who is on board and the person with the disability has to choose to fly or not.
    Forget the aircraft bring it to a resturant if your allergic to dogs and you see the same 2 people with service dogs sitting in the resturant do you complain about it and demand they leave or do you deal with it an ask for a seat opposite side of the resturant or do you turn around and find a different place to eat? I know what your not doing, you not going to complain and ask the service dog ownera to leave because the disabilities do not have a ranking system against each other.

  25. While I sympathize with those with allergies (I have seasonal asthma myself), I don’t see how sitting next to someone who owns a dog and has fur/dander on their clothing differs from the dog being present. Service dogs are typically well groomed. Mine is frequently wiped down with bath wipes for this very reason. I do my best reduce the dander. If we want to get ridiculous pet owners would be kept separate from those with allergies….can we say segregation! I can only be responsible for my own medical condition and having a service dog is part of my treatment. People are very quick to judge that my dog is going to cause them a problem, when most of the time I can eat at a restaurant with my dog under my chair or table and no one even knows she is there. If your allergies are so severe that being on a plane with the animal could cause death, then being on a plane with me and the dog hair on my clothing would be just as dangerous. So which one of us has more of a right to be there or which of us must accommodate the other? I suggest you take care of yourself and if you are that severely allergic consider making other travel arrangements where you will not encounter other people or their animals. Otherwise carry the medication you need, just as I carry the medication I need (which happens to be a service dog).

    On another note, screaming children give me severe headaches, so maybe we should ban those from public places as well.

    1. By the way, I think only service animals should be allowed on planes. ESA’s have no more business on the plane than any other public place. A psychiatric service dog is not the same as an ESA, which also needs to be clarified.

      1. Shame on you Brian Cohen, you do know, that an emotional support animal is NOT considered a service animal. The ADA, American with Disabilities Act, has defined a disability very clearly, and emotional support is NOT the same as PTSD. To all you fakers who purchased fake vests from Amazon, and obtain a “fake service animal ID” cards online, cut the BS. You are making it very difficult for people who really suffer from a legitimate disability. Airlines companies should pay close attention to this…… For all those who wish to check out the ADA act, please do so. PTSD is a Real disability and those who claim to have PTSD must have been diagnosed by a license psychiatric clinician, not your veterinarian or even your primary doctor. Another news flash, all infectious diseases do not originate in humans, but rather in animals, and dog saliva is not cleaner than human saliva. Dogs carry parasites, bacteria and virus that are easily transferred to humans, and most puppies and kittens are born with intentional worms. Vets will say that as long as you take your dog to the vet transmission should be minimized. Key word is minimized, not eliminated completely. There is an increased problem in hospital with staph infections. Does anyone know the virus that cusses that infection? I can continue, but will stop here for now.

    2. You’re absolutely right. A student of mine owns guinea pigs and whenever I’m around her I start feeling utterly grim – throat scratching, eyes watering, sneezing and that “allergy fog”. The main difference between being in presence of the animal and contaminated clothes is that there is an awful lot more of the allergen present with the animal. It makes a big difference in severity of allergic response. Around those actual guinea pigs it’s a full asthma attack and I’m feeling horrible for at least a day.

      I don’t agree that allergic people should “make alternative travel arrangements”. We are striving to make society more accessible to people with all sorts of extra needs, and don’t give them the same suggestion. I think when booking a flight you should flag up whether you are bringing an animal or if you have an allergy, and such warnings should then appear for subsequent bookings on same flight, eg. “Service animal on this flight.”, or “severe allergies, we cannot accept animals on this flight”, on a first-come-first-served basis. Then you can book a different time flight if you need.

  26. What is so terrible for a place to ask for an official ADA certificate. Wouldn’t that cut down on the fakers?

  27. I can’t believe some people’s ignorance when they say nobody has ever died from animal allergy. When your lungs close off from not being able to get away from your allergen, you die. I’ve almost died from asthma many times. You MUST get away from the allergen even with medication or you will die. I’ve also had anxiety. You can take medication and have a travel companion to help calm you to get you through the flight. There is nothing that can be done to prevent or reverse an asthma attack when an animal stays in your air. Perhaps watch a little child have an asthma attack some time, and see how scary it is. Perhaps watch your own family member die of asthma….then get back with me to tell me your comfort was worth the inevitable death you just caused because of selfishness. If I knew something I was doing would kill someone, I would put their life ahead of my temporary discomfort.

  28. Wow really so its true people are dying from dander allergy? Where are you finding those statistics? I have yet to find any evidence of the number of deaths caused by dander allegry. Could you help me find them? Any links or fact sheets? Its crazy I normally can find just about anything on google but I guess those facts must really be hidden as I really do belive your claims abd would love to see the statistics supporting them. Thank you

  29. Ah so it makes sense now even know all the links you provided are just opinionated blogs without any sourceable credit or facts. What I can see is people with dander allergies don’t need to worry as that alone will not cause death. Your saying those rare cases of having dander allergy & server asthma combined could causes you to have an asthma attack which may lead to death. Humm I always thought asthma was controlled by medication and inhalers? That’s the same reason that girl was removed from the aircraft after claiming she had severe asthma and wanted a service dog removed but she failed to show medication used to treat it her asthma. I would think anyone that had such a severe disability would always carry their medication used to treat it? I mean people with service dogs have a disability and the service dog is their medication and why they do not leave home without their service dog. Why would someone with death causing asthma not carry around their medication? Just sounds so strange.

    Fact do show that near 70% of American are pet owners.
    Just like the girl removed from the aircraft regardless if there is a animal on board or not 70% means every 7 out of 10 people have pet dander all over there clothes and personal belongings given the facts if your 1 of the 10 without a pet that means the person to your left, right, front and back has pet dander all over them not to mention 70% of the passengers on board which that alone would cause someone with severe asthma to have an attack regardless if a living dog was in the cabin or pets are transported within aircraft cargo because its all the same air throughout the entire aircraft. Thank god that girl was removed that crew saved her life she should thank them after she forgetting her lifesaving medication and was about to take a dangerous risk she could of died on the plane even without a single animals onboard given the facts. So so shocking how someone could forget such a critical medication required to to save their life as you yourself proved that with the links you provided.

    Best thing for a person with that severe of an allergy is to always travel with your medication used to control your asthma and you will be ok regardless if there is a dog in cabin, under or not at all and your sharing air and rubbing elbows with the pet owner sitting next to you.

    I do agree that many passengers abuse the system to try to bring unruly dogs with them on travel, this is completely wrong and destroyes it for those with a real need for a service animals. But the facts are still the facts even if those unruly dogs are banned and the .001% chance some crazy law was passed to ban service dogs the fact remains regardless anyone that has an extream asthma will still have problems due to all of the pet owners flying next to you after sleeping in bed with their pets and hugging their pets goodbye receiving licks before their trip.

  30. Hi. I went over most, not all comments, and mine is for my 4-year-old. He is SEVERELY allergic to dogs – all dogs. He was in the ER 3 nights over 2 weeks because we couldn’t figure out what was causing his 104.3 fever, orbital cellulitis, and VIRAL tonsillitis, and rash on a 3-year-old who doesn’t understand why he can’t scratch, swallow, hold his eyes open, and stop from shivering. We’ve had several blood tests done and found that it’s dogs. EVERY time we see a dog, we have to stop what we’re doing and leave. There is no medication that prevents his reaction, nor is there any treatment after. My father keeps telling me, “we need to get it fixed”, (as if he’s a broken toy) because my brother has a service animal and we cannot (I will not put my son in that kind of danger when I know what prevents it) come to their house anymore. It sucks. Unfortunately we’re not able to treat my son, my brother, and the dog equally in this situation; my son (especially his health) will always come first. Just trying to shed some perspective on both sides of the fence. Hopefully he grows out of the allergy, but as of his last test, it’s actually gotten worse (in numbers and charts). He has not had a reaction since we’ve started keeping him away from dogs.

  31. For those looking for info on asthma related deaths, I’d like to direct you to the CDC. While you’d assume a simple Google search may be best, Google is muddied with way too much information.

    Fact: Asthma is a disability, and is protected by the ADA. Emotional support animals are not.

    This issue is easily solved, in my opinion. I think that most people requiring a true service animal would agree, since “pets” posing as service animals are especially hazardous to their working animal. Current law would need to require allowance of only a highly-trained service animals, and some sort of license to prove this qualification (or perhaps something as simple as an identifying mark on photo identification). A very stiff financial penalty should apply to people who fake a disability for special treatment. Some very minor changes to our current laws, and people dragging a pet around with an online-purchased “service” vest would quickly disappear from view.

    That aside, I’m actually writing here simply because I am a fellow asthma sufferer who is highly allergic to animals, and yes people who pretend their pets are emotional support animals force me to interact with animals much more than I really should. I could complain more about it, but that would be fruitless. I’m a realist, and the fact remains that currently those of us who suffer from a severe animal allergy will likely end up on a flight with one or more animals. If your reactions are
    severe, this could mean you can’t fly at all.

    My advice is this:
    -ALWAYS carry your meds- including an inhaler and a strong antihistamine
    -invest in a face mask but it MUST provide filtration for pet dander (this is the tricky part, 25% of cat and dog dander can be a smaller size than most dust masks can filter out. I found a mask on Amazon that filters out pollen & airborne contaminants down to 0.1 microns)
    -invest in nose filters that filter out pollutants (I haven’t gotten to try this yet, but apparently some of these nasal filters are very effective and also more invisible than a full mask
    -Before hopping on a flight, try out the mask for a short period of time around animals, to ensure it is effective.
    -Once boarding clean your area with an anti-bacterial wipe (sadly cloth seats can’t be fully cleaned)
    -Remove your clothes and shower as soon as you can after the flight

    If you will be flying with any animal, please help those of us with breathing issues:
    -give your service animal a bath or two the week before the flight. This one simple step helps to reduce the amount of dander present that can cause an asthma attack.
    -Wear clean clothes that have been hanging in your closet (not the sweatshirt your animal has been sleeping on).
    -Keep a pet or ESA in a carrying case rather than sitting on your lap and fluffing up their fur everywhere.

    We need to coexist with our different conditions, and that means changes for EVERYONE. If the only people fully accommodated while flying are those with ESAs and pets, we are doing it wrong.

  32. Basically if you have allergies to animal dander you can no longer stay in a hotel, fly, eat out in a restaurant because whatever the purpose of the animal, they still trigger severe reactions which meds don’t always alleviate. Complete discrimination against people with allergies, a disability.

    1. Don’t forget about the rental cars. Basically if your correct if your meds don’t help you its best not to travel or even leave the house because there is 100% no way anyone could ever to advoid dander its all over and coming from wild animals, pets, emotional support, service and working dogs any where you want to go or touch. It’s not discrimination its just life. I actually wish someone could get rid of the hundreds of wild cats in the neighbourhood the cat ladies feed them all the time, they kill all the birds and they crap all over the place. Not to mention hundereds of dog walkers. If you were in my area you could not even walk on the sidewalk near home without being bothered by wild cat or dog walkers dander but its just part of life. You just have to find better meds or walk around with an O2 mask to help control your allergy if you want to leave your home suck that you have that kind of rare extream case but its life can eradicate all of the animals.

  33. Thank you all for you very interesting posts. I found this site googling about the issue after reading about AA currently being sued for just this issue.

    Everyone scores some valid points and I’m throwing my agreement in with those that point to how poorly the law and regulations stemming from it are written. What kind of animals qualify for entree into public places, especially ones that we can’t readily remove ourselves from, needs to be more narrowly defined for everyone’s safety and well-being.

    Grouping ESA’s along with highly trained service animals has opened the doors for too much abuse to happen and everyone is unhappy and endangered by it. An airline’s focus is to transport us from Point A to Point B as profitably as possible. Their concern for the comfort and enjoyment of the experience has gone out the window since deregulation and they will only do what they have to do without having to be the gatekeepers for who gets to fly and who doesn’t. That is why they are not going to take the time to figure out which animals are service, which are ESA’s, and which are pets. It’s just more expedient for them to wave them all on board and let people grouse about it.

    I was over on and was surprised to see that there is more lobbying for more animals in the cabins than for more regulation of them. This is an issue that I think anyone can get on-board with if a petition were carefully written to express concerns with how current law has been creating new problems. It’s not just about one person’s needs vs. another’s. I don’t think the intent of the original law matches up with the results, so there really is some tweaking that needs to be done to address the problems that have been mentioned in these posts. It won’t remove the allergy issue, but it may make it more possible to cope with it using medication. There has to be something that can be written to make it harder for people to abuse needed accommodations and as easy for airlines to enforce as checking our ID is when we check-in at the airport.

  34. If I am in the proximity of a bird I literally pass out with panic and fear. Who has priority, me or the person with the emotional support bird? Would you or the other person with the bird be transferred to another flight/class free of charge?

    1. There are more people with disabilities requiring service animals than people with the severe allergies to animals described above. It is not about valuing the life of an animal above humans–it’s valuing the majority. Service animals as treatment costs the economy less than other treatments these people would otherwise need. I imagine it would suck to first be allergic to pets then have to deal with it on an airplane. I would carry medication, as I would for any other allergy, and advocate for myself as I have to with my disability. I would have the staff make a request for a passenger to be willing to trade seats as they do when they have an overbooked flight. Usually, someone will step forward when it is a public announcement (and trading seats is less inconvenient than volunteering to go on the next flight). I do not feel special to be able to take my service dog with me. I feel negatively about having the disability. I am anxious about being confronted in public. I have been turned away by businesses and even told I should check myself into a facility if I need assistance. My service dog is why I have been able to function post-military. It is not a cure-all and I am not able to do everything as I would like–just as you may not be able to enjoy your flight the way you would like due to allergies. And…just as annoying as it is to me that there are people with “service animals” I am annoyed by people with “allergies” (just don’t like animals) to animals. Be proactive. Be respectful–you have no idea what that person has to go through to be there with their service animal.

      And for the person who said they pass out at the sight of birds….some people have panic attacks and pass out or become violent when triggered by certain groups of the population. Segregated planes?

  35. The fact that “the allergy issue” is tossed off says it all. Clearly it’s not a trendy disability, so people with severe allergies to dander are kicked off the planes while the animals stay. Medication cannot “control” severe allergies if there are animals all over the cabin. Or on hotel beds.

  36. Why are we arguing over whether or not animal allergies cause death? ESA owners will not die without their animals, so why should allergy sufferers need to die in order to have a case for animal-free flights, hotels, etc? Allergies can cause extreme discomfort, and that should be reason enough to be taken seriously. “Bring medication with you” is not a solution. My prescription medications for allergies are expensive and medically should not be taken on a regular basis.

  37. You can become an advocate with the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) to ensure that a proposed Department of Transportation rule for airlines goes far enough to protect the rights of those with asthma and allergies. To be notified of AAFA’s work on this and other issues, you are encouraged to join their advocacy action network at

    The AAFA is encouraging comments on the proposed rule at Comments are due by April 2020. Personal stories from the AAFA community are impactful. The AAFA suggests highlighting how the increase in animals on planes makes travel difficult for you; if you had to change travel plans or leave a plane because of animals on your flight; or if you had an asthma attack or severe allergic reaction on a flight because of sharing a cabin with animals.

  38. Epipens and inhalers do not stop or cure allergic reactions. Allergic reactions can cause major chronic diseases to worsen to the point that they cause organ damage. Increased dogs and other animals with dander are increasing. People are suffering. You can sit in the chair without ypur dog for 2 hours. We cannot sit in the chair with your dog for 2 hours. We cannot sit on tbe same plane as your dog for 2 hours. Dander is highly airborne. It changes the indoor air quality if the plane to tbe point where many people with allergies and asthma– a growing population– are put at personal physical health risk and mental anguish.

    I had a heart atrack at age 26 after chron3uc exposure to aninal dander. I had allergic inflammatory blood cells called eosinophils surround my heart and choke it. This was confirmed by heart biopsy. Eosinophils are produced over time and are a factor in more and more diseases. I also now have asthma attacks and hives when around animal dander. I cannot be on a plane with a dog or where dogs frequent. Get the dogs off the plane cabin areas where people travel. And the horses. Uour dog shoukd not be affirded more rights tgan human freakung beings and it is an insult to human dignity Im sick of it. I have allergies and asthma and a chronic allergic disease and have NO RIGHTS to travel. Not right. Shame on all in charge of this. Shame on all tbe fakers and drama queens and take advantagers and human-haters, and enablers of getting people psychologically dependent pn animals to the point they think tbry are more important than a persons right to breathe and travel. People arent allergic to obese people to tbe person above who says its the same as a person taking up more of their seat. Animal dander allergies are serious and Im sick of everyone belittling them after I nearly died. I’m sick of ME being told to wait outside insteadad of the person wuth the animal. I wish you dog-obsessed liars who think yoy are a family with them– my ex literally chose his dog over my son and I so you know ehat– I hope you all one day know what that is like and you cannot travel while you watch Sally-Freakin-Liar say shes afraid if lightning and tge dark abd needs her dig next to her because he warns her is aliens are coming and us her son and you all need to accomodate her even if he poops on you bites you rubs against you and gives you hives while she pets him and his dander goes into the air and into your lungs and tbe kids lungs and the babies lungs and peoples airwaus close and even with every ned known you cannot guarantee theyll open… and on everything and the company is supposed to pay the cleaning costs and she doesnt need any proof of anything– who the freak allowed this to happen???!!! Oh but you lime taking advantage of the system be ause your scared to get your neighbor to watch your dog or take it to a place you have to pay– Its cheaper to just bring them on board and no one can do anything about it withput discriminating against you. Meanwhile I really did almost die and really do have a disability that you all have somehow written diesnt freaking matter!!!!!! All of you disgust me.

  39. Maybe all of us with allergies need to lobby Congress to change this ridiculous policy. What about our rights? What makes severe allergy sufferers any different than those with peanut allergies? My asthma is not always severe, but sometime a cat, dog or horse can make it hard for me to
    Breathe A difficulty that a pill or inhaler cannot relieve! I can’t even imagine a therapy horse on a plane!

  40. I am always with you.
    I respect that some people, such in the case of blindness, require a service animal however feel that the issue of ES, emotional support animals is quite a different issue.

  41. Just found this today. Thank you!! People make me feel like a freak because of my animal allergies. My job is now forcing me to be near animal’s. I had to choose work or take a chance with my life. I did not have a choice I have to work. I am so scared!! I am 62 years old with underline health condition. I have never posted anything before and I don’t know why I am doing it now. I guess I am just so scared I wanted someone to know. Thank you, Jeanie

  42. Today I was looking at Cross Country Trips on Amtrak, enjoying myself, and making plans. Then reality sunk in. I have environmental allergies, and am allergic to cat and dog dander just like most here. Airlines, and railways make accommodations for animals, (sorry my body doesn’t distinguish, family pet from service or emotional animals); then they should also make accommodations for people with allergies. I love dogs and cats and I can’t be around them, and I would like to travel, and I would like to be safe doing so. So I will call Amtrak and ask them about this situation, because they’re fares are not cheap and because it’s there decision on how to handle this problem. It’s not a new one.

  43. Interesting you use the word literally here. I am unsure of any situation where a dog is necessary for someone to literally walk across a room or is necessary for literal survival. In any case, you are incorrect, but that’s okay; this is how we learn.

  44. I don’t have an allergy to animals; what I do have is an allium (onion family) allergy. My sister has it too. If I walk into the breakroom at work and one of my coworker is eating something with raw onions or onions that are shedding oils into the air due to heat from microwaving or fresh cooking I have 1-3 minutes to be out of there or my air will be severely limited. Food? Ha. Good one. Everything I eat I have to check the ingredient with a finetoothed comb. The produce aisle is a minefield. Hygiene? I’m currently scratching myself raw because I forgot to check for Aloe in a handsoap.
    I cannot understand how someone who has experience with any kind of allergy can scoff at any kind of allergy or sensitivity/intolerance. Holy Hannah! The stunning lack of empathy humans have for each other just floors me.
    I also have part guardianship over a severely handicapped family member who would benefit greatly from a service dog (she has no sense of danger and would walk into traffic). We’re saving up for one. Future hardworking pupper would NEVER EVER trump someone’s rights to breathe. If someone told me they were afraid of doggo my first question is how do we accommodate YOU?

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