a person walking past a hotel with 251 Menlove Avenue in the background
Photograph ©2024 by Brian Cohen.

The Vulcan Hotel in Cardiff in Wales. Sunday Morning Photograph.

No, the singer of Steely Dan is not one of the Saint Fagans.

During a visit to the National History Museum at Saint Fagans yesterday, Saturday, September 21, 2024, I was near the Vulcan Hotel in Cardiff in Wales, which was originally built in 1853 and reopened on Saturday, May 11, 2024 after undergoing reconstruction work for approximately ten years.

The Vulcan Hotel in Cardiff in Wales. Sunday Morning Photograph.

a person walking past a hotel with 251 Menlove Avenue in the background
Photograph ©2024 by Brian Cohen.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a woman walking down the sidewalk who was dressed in costume that was appropriate for that period in time. I quickly took the photograph when I realized the opportunity of the rare instance of no one else being there.

Final Boarding Call

My only regret is not including the streetlamp in the photograph, which would have completed the scene, in my opinion. It can be seen peeking from the left edge of the photograph.

The purpose of the weekly series of Sunday Morning Photograph articles is to feature photographs from my travels around the world which you can view while enjoying your morning coffee.

Please click here for a complete list of the Sunday Morning Photograph series of articles at The Gate With Brian Cohen, which include photographs taken of nature and sights of interest in many countries and territories around the world — including but not limited to:

Albania • Andorra • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Bahamas • Bahrain • Belgium • Belarus • Bosnia and Herzegovina • Botswana • Brazil • Bulgaria • Canada • China • Chile • Colombia • Côte d’Ivoire or Ivory Coast • Croatia • Cyprus — including the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus • Czechia or Czech Republic • Denmark • Dominican Republic • Egypt • England in Great Britain in the United Kingdom • Estonia • Finland • France • Germany • Hungary • Iceland • Ireland • Italy • Jamaica • Kenya • Kosovo • Latvia • Lebanon • Lesotho • Liechtenstein • Lithuania • Luxembourg • Malaysia • Mexico • Montenegro • Morocco • Mozambique • Netherlands • New Zealand • North Macedonia • Oman • Panama • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Singapore • Slovenia • South Africa • South Korea • Spain • Swaziland or Eswatini • Sweden • Switzerland • Thailand • Turkey or the Republic of Türkiye • United Arab Emirates • United States of America • Uruguay • Wales in Great Britain in the United Kingdom

Photograph ©2024 by Brian Cohen.

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