“A lthough I am not an aficionado of pets, I believe this is a great idea which other airports may consider implementing, as this is potentially a win-win situation for all.”
Only hours after I posted this article pertaining to trained therapy dogs helping to mitigate stress for travelers at San Francisco International Airport which contains what is quoted above, I find out that a similar program to relieve travel stress amongst passengers is now happening for the first time in “my own backyard”, so to speak, throughout the remainder of the holiday season at the international airport which serves the greater Atlanta metropolitan area.
Animals from Careing Paws — including therapy dogs such as Daisey the Maltipoo and Dreamy the Schipperke — are on “patrol” at the atrium of the airport to greet the weary; as well as nuzzling travelers who are waiting out delayed flights, according to this article and video posted by Jerry Carnes of WXIA-TV 11 Alive News in Atlanta.
For years, animals from Careing Paws have been involved in therapy at places like nursing homes, hospitals, and disaster scenes. Therapy dogs have been proven to reduce blood pressure and heart rate.
Wendy — a reader of The Gate — posted this comment which corroborates that claim: “Nothing reduces stress better than petting a dog. I have a certified therapy dog that I take to nursing homes to visit the patient’s. One lady Missy visited had not spoken for four years until she was petting and cuddling her.”
Perhaps this idea is catching on even faster than I originally thought — as it should…