a sign on a brick wall
Photograph ©2017 by Brian Cohen.

Up to 30 Room Nights For $499 Plus Tax? Yes — But…

...this deal is fraught with restrictions — if you are luck enough to get it...

The Ultimate Hotel Pass will allow you to book reservations for up to 30 room nights for $499 plus tax through Monday, September 30, 2024, which is potentially a great deal at as low as $16.64 per night at hotel and resort properties which participate in the Wyndham Rewards membership program…

Up to 30 Room Nights For $499 Plus Tax? Yes — But…

…but you need to register for this promotion by Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 11:59 in the evening Eastern Daylight Time for a chance to obtain that pass; and you must be a member of the Wyndham Rewards membership program in order to be eligible.

The reason why the words “a chance” were used is that only 25 Ultimate Hotel Passes will be available; so this promotion is more like a lottery…

…and even if you are one of the lucky 25 people to secure one of these passes, note that they are fraught with numerous rules, restrictions, terms, and conditions.

Final Boarding Call

This article was posted for two reasons: to give you a shot of being one of the lucky 25 people to secure one of the Ultimate Hotel Passes if you are interested…

…and to illustrate just how potentially ridiculous is this promotion.

If you do register for this promotion, good luck to you…

Photograph ©2017 by Brian Cohen.

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