For this edition of this popular game, can you guess what you believe is wrong — or, at least, seemingly quite bizarre — with this screen shot part 292?
The inaccuracies of images generated by artificial intelligence annoy me — which include the glaringly obvious misspellings and warped logos that other bloggers are okay with displaying on their weblogs. I really do not understand that, as I personally would be embarrassed to use those images here at The Gate With Brian Cohen, as you will never see images generated by artificial intelligence — only real photographs most of the time, with graphics, illustrations, and some screen shots that are attributed to their origins.
The image that is used in this article is one example; and it is from this article by the fictional author Sky Skylar at BoardingArea, where you will find many more examples of bizarre images that were generated using artificial intelligence.
What Is Wrong With This Photograph? Part 292
Please submit your answers in the Comments section below — and I enjoy reading creative answers.
Thank you in advance. As always, I cannot wait to read your answer and feedback.
Answer to What is Wrong With This Photograph? Part 291
One of a series of plaques that was on the walls inside of the Sydney Harbour Bridge Pylon Lookout in Australia spelled the word Harbor incorrectly — although one can argue that the spelling should be Harbour, as it is the official spelling in Australia as well as part of the name of the bridge.
We can all agree, however, that Harbur is an incorrect spelling.
Favorite answer by rmah: “oh yes, everyone will mention the missing o.
“however, we need a comma between built and but because they are two independent clauses.”
Note: In a rare exception, I must highlight both of the following comments as favorites, as I simply could not choose one over the other:
Favorite comment by derek: “Australia, or Oz, is down under where everything is upside down. This explains why the ‘o’ in Harbour Bridge has fallen.”
Favorite comment by Jim F.: “Gosh, give the writur a break! Perhaps it’s not that s/he is a bad spellur; maybe s/he was taught phonetic spelling. And don’t you wondur how this errur got past the editur?”
Access to Past Articles in the What is Wrong With This Photograph? Series
You can refer to this definitive list of past articles of the What is Wrong With This Photograph? series of articles — which also includes articles which reveal the answers — and that list will be continuously updated as additional articles are written and posted here at The Gate With Brian Cohen. This is to ensure that future articles in this series are not encumbered with a long list of links — especially when viewing and reading them from a portable electronic device.
This will hopefully be considered a positive step towards the reading experience of The Gate With Brian Cohen on portable electronic devices. Your constructive input as a reader of The Gate With Brian Cohen is always appreciated.
Final Boarding Call
You are encouraged to submit photographs of your own for this feature at The Gate With Brian Cohen. When you do, please let me know if you want to have photography credit attributed to you — as well as what is the photograph; and when and where it was taken. If your photograph is selected, it will be featured in a future article here at The Gate With Brian Cohen.
If you would like to submit a screen shot, please give the source — as well as a link to the source.
In the meantime, the answer — or answers — to this article will be included in the next article of answers to the most recent five articles in the series of What is Wrong With This Photograph? articles.
Source: American Association of Retired Persons or AARP.