a bridge over water with a city in the background
Photograph ©2011 by Brian Cohen.

141 Years of the Brooklyn Bridge.

The anniversary of the opening of this bridge is today.

Today, Friday, May 24, 2024 commemorates 141 years of the Brooklyn Bridge since its opening to connect Brooklyn and Manhattan on Thursday, May 24, 1883. This article briefly covers this anniversary with a short photographic essay.

141 Years of the Brooklyn Bridge.

a bridge with people walking on a bridge
Photograph ©2007 by Brian Cohen.

The Brooklyn Bridge is an iconic part of the city of New York with its neo-Gothic towers and characteristic pointed arches.

a plaque on a stone wall
Photograph ©2007 by Brian Cohen.

Brooklyn was still an independent city in 1869. John A. Roebling designed the bridge. His son Washington Roebling was the chief engineer of the bridge. Construction of the bridge started in 1870.

a bridge with a wire
Photograph ©2007 by Brian Cohen.

One should not take the existence of this grand historic bridge for granite.

a bridge with many ropes
Photograph ©2007 by Brian Cohen.

Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge is an activity one must do when the weather is nice.

a car driving on a bridge
Photograph ©2007 by Brian Cohen.

Driving across the bridge is another option to cross the East River between Brooklyn and Manhattan.

Lower Manhattan from World Trade Center New York
Photograph ©2015 by Brian Cohen.

The Manhattan Bridge and other bridges were built later to alleviate the increasing amount of traffic that crossed the Brooklyn Bridge.

a ferry boat on the water
Photograph ©2022 by Brian Cohen.

The Brooklyn Bridge always looks majestic — no matter from which angle it is viewed at any time of the day.

a close-up of a bridge
Photograph ©2007 by Brian Cohen.

Its cable system appears rather mighty and complex when viewed close up. A hybrid cable-stayed design and suspension bridge design incorporates both vertical and diagonal suspender cables.

a flag on a pole
Photograph ©2007 by Brian Cohen.

Final Boarding Call

I am proud to have been born and raised in Brooklyn.

Happy Birthday number 141, Brooklyn Bridge!

What more can I say?

All photographs ©20o7, ©2011, ©2015, and ©2022 by Brian Cohen.

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