Photograph ©2023 by Brian Cohen.

Issues With Too Few Tissues In Hotel Rooms?

Too few tissues is nothing to sneeze at...

What is commonly expected when staying in a room at a hotel or resort property includes that everything is clean, the bed is comfortable, and that items in the room are replenished or restocked — but I have noticed issues with too few tissues in hotel rooms recently.

Issues With Too Few Tissues In Hotel Rooms?

I really had not thought much about this until I read what FlyerTalk member Tim Fountain posted in this discussion:

A trend I’ve been seeing at almost every Hilton recently in US establishments, to stuff 3-4 tissues into the empty box and call it good, as opposed to putting out a new box of tissues once the old one is depleted. It’s not acceptable. Am I the only one to notice this new penny pinching by Hilton? And no, 4 tissues is not going to cut it, especially when I have a cold, hayfever or congestion due to the smoke up here in the NE at present. Just ridiculous. Grr

I can confirm that this “trend” is not only occurring at hotel and resort properties that are part of the brand portfolio of Hilton.

Photograph ©2023 by Brian Cohen.

The above photograph shows the discovery of only a few tissues remaining in the tissue box in the bathroom of a room in a Holiday Inn Express & Suites hotel property at which I stayed recently. They came out in a clump when I attempted to remove the top tissue.

I even recently stayed in at least one hotel room in which no tissues were supplied at all.

Final Boarding Call

Are tissues that expensive that they cannot be replenished on a regular basis at hotel and resort properties as they had in the past? Could the reduction of members of housekeeping staffs be a contributing issue, as they may not have the time to check the tissue boxes? Perhaps the paper products industry is still experiencing disruptions in the supply chain from the height of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus pandemic?

Although this is not exactly a problem which portends the end of the world as we know it, finding only a few tissues left in the tissue box is annoying in the best of circumstances…

…but perhaps not nearly as inconvenient as being in the middle of a shower — only to find out that the bulk dispenser of shampoo or body wash was empty, out of product, and not replenished

All photographs ©2023 by Brian Cohen.

  1. Yes! I have had this complaint for years. In fact though if you notice at the commercial boxes sold to hotels, and it isn’t one of the really low ones like Surpass but Kleenex, the last 20% or so of the box is a slightly different shade (usually like a tan/nude tone versus white) as a visual indication the box is almost expended.

    I’ve found this with tissue frequently… lately though toilet paper has been a culprit. I was at a HGI in Albuquerque last week where I had about 1/5 of a roll left and no spare. I checked in about midnight. The desk wanted me to get dressed and come down to get another one. I informed them I’d just clean myself up with the towels since I had plenty of those. I had a knock at my door about five minutes later with three rolls.

  2. Unrelated, but please let me also rant in general about room attendants “fluffing” the top few tissues into a flower sculpture.

    Please don’t cootie-handle my tissues.

    Thank you.

    And Jason, I love your solution!

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