a satellite image of a hurricane
Source: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the Department of Commerce of the United States.

Major Hurricane Beryl to Impact Windward Islands: June 2024 Travel Alert

Could this hurricane strengthen to Category 5?

As the first major hurricane of the 2024 season, you may want to consider delaying your travel — or, at least, keep yourself updated as to the latest information pertaining to the weather — due to the effects from major Hurricane Beryl to impact the Windward Islands June 2024 if any destination around and within the Caribbean Sea is in your travel plans over the next few days.

Major Hurricane Beryl to Impact Windward Islands: June 2024 Travel Alert

Maximum sustained winds of Hurricane Beryl — which is currently approximately 350 miles east southeast of Barbados and moving west at a speed of 21 miles per hour — are at 130 miles per hour, which means that it is currently a Category 4 hurricane with a clearly defined eye. Possible landfall of this hurricane is expected tomorrow morning, Monday, July 1, 2024. The graphic below had not been updated at the time this article was written because the latest update of the strengthening of Hurricane Beryl was issued during an intermediate advisory from the National Hurricane Center of the United States.

a map of a hurricane
Source: National Hurricane Center of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States.

When the eye of a hurricane is well defined, that is usually an indication of the strength of the tropical weather system, as it means that it is organized and powerful. Chances are good that Hurricane Beryl will be upgraded to Category 5 status — which is the highest status on the Saffir-Simpson Scale — because it will track over the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea, which will fuel this hurricane for several days.

A hurricane to form as far east as Hurricane Beryl did — along with its intense strengthening — is unusual for this time of year. This pattern normally starts to occur sometime in late July.

A Hurricane Warning is in effect for:

  • Barbados
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadine Islands
  • Grenada
  • Tobago

A Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for:

  • Martinique

A Tropical Storm Watch is in effect for:

  • Dominica
  • Trinidad

Significant precipitation of up to ten inches is possible in local areas in Barbados and the Windward Islands — especially in the Grenadine Islands.

Rough surf and strong rip currents are currently affecting the western coast of central Mexico. A dangerous storm surge of as high as nine feet above normal is expected to result in significant coastal flooding near and to the south of where landfall of the hurricane occurs. The surge will be accompanied by large and destructive waves near the coast.

Other areas of the Caribbean Sea will be affected by the hurricane even though they are not within its path due to the outer bands of this storm, which can result in torrential downpours, significant wind gusts, and even spawn an isolated tornado.

After impacting the Windward Islands, Hurricane Beryl may weaken somewhat — but it is projected to remain as a major hurricane as it heads west northwest towards southern Jamaica before a likely landfall on the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico and then into the Gulf of Mexico. What track and strength the hurricane will be depends on a number of factors — but heading towards the Gulf Coast of the United States is not out of the question.

Flight Waivers, Delays, and Cancellations

If you are traveling to or from the Windward Islands or Barbados over the next few days, expect delays and cancellations of flights. Keep up to date on the latest information pertaining to this tropical weather system which may adversely affect your travel plans. Better yet, postponing or canceling your trip might be a better option — no matter which mode of travel you plan on taking.

If you have a flight scheduled, your flight may be delayed or canceled — and you may be eligible for a waiver of a fee to change your itinerary. If you are driving in any of these areas, watch out for deteriorating weather conditions and traffic problems.

Here are six airlines which have issued travel alerts as a result of this tropical weather system:

Final Boarding Call

At least one update will be provided here at The Gate With Brian Cohen, as additional travel waivers will be issued by an increasing number of airlines. Hotel and resort properties could temporarily close as well.

Be sure to contact your airline or transportation provider for the latest information pertaining to your travels — if they are adversely affected — and please: travel safely.

Source: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the Department of Commerce of the United States.

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