Canada goose
Photograph ©2005 by Brian Cohen.

Serrated Tongue of a Canada Goose. Sunday Morning Photograph.

Why is the tongue of a Canada goose serrated?

Although they can be docile and seem like they just do not care about anything, the behavior of Canada geese may be aggressive and unpredictable at times — but do not be too frightened if you take a closer look and see the serrated tongue of a Canada goose.

Serrated Tongue of a Canada Goose. Sunday Morning Photograph.

Canada goose
Photograph ©2005 by Brian Cohen.

The sharp spiny papillae that resemble angled spikes and are actually seen on the tongue of a Canada goose are used to help them to:

  • Catch and hold live animals, insects, and fish when eating meat
  • Enable them to hold struggling prey that is trying to escape; and
  • Grip and tear food while eating
Canada goose
Photograph ©2005 by Brian Cohen.

The serrated cartilage edge along the beak of the goose beak is known as tomia, which also contributes to the gripping and cutting of their food. Although a human being bitten by a goose can sound benign and almost comical, the serrated tongue can be rather painful and contribute to injury.

Canada goose
Photograph ©2005 by Brian Cohen.

Final Boarding Call

To me, the serrated tongue of a Canada goose look like the exposed bones of a raw dead fish.

The purpose of the weekly series of Sunday Morning Photograph articles is to feature photographs from my travels around the world which you can view while enjoying your morning coffee.

Please click here for a complete list of the Sunday Morning Photograph series of articles at The Gate With Brian Cohen, which include photographs taken of nature and sights of interest in many countries and territories around the world — including but not limited to:

Andorra • Argentina • Bahamas • Bahrain • Belarus • Brazil • Bulgaria • Canada • China • Chile • Colombia • Cyprus — including the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus • Czechia or Czech Republic • Denmark • Dominican Republic • Egypt • England in Great Britain in the United Kingdom • Estonia • Finland • France • Germany • Hungary • Iceland • Ireland • Italy • Kenya • Latvia • Lebanon • Lesotho • Liechtenstein • Lithuania • Luxembourg • Malaysia • Morocco • Mozambique • Netherlands • Oman • Panama • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Singapore • Slovenia • South Africa • South Korea • Spain • Swaziland or Eswatini • Sweden • Switzerland • Thailand • United Arab Emirates • United States of America • Uruguay

All photographs ©2005 by Brian Cohen.

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