Svöðufoss and Lookout Overlooking Ólafsvíkur Iceland
Photograph ©2018 by Brian Cohen.

Svöðufoss and Lookout Overlooking Ólafsvíkur in Iceland

Two more points of interest on the Snæfellnes Peninsula.

Svöðufoss and lookout overlooking Ólafsvíkur in Iceland are basically two things to see in one place. Ólafsvík is a small fishing town; while Svöðufoss is a waterfall which is approximately ten meters in height and located on the Snæfellnes Peninsula.

Svöðufoss and Lookout Overlooking Ólafsvíkur in Iceland

Svöðufoss and Lookout Overlooking Ólafsvíkur Iceland
Photograph ©2018 by Brian Cohen.

Snæfellsjökull glacier looms in the background upon approaching Svöðufoss; while sheep graze in the foreground.

Svöðufoss and Lookout Overlooking Ólafsvíkur Iceland
Photograph ©2018 by Brian Cohen.

The runoff from the waterfall empties into the Laxá River, which is the second largest river in Iceland that is fed from springs. The river is known to fishermen for its brown trout and Atlantic salmon.

Svöðufoss and Lookout Overlooking Ólafsvíkur Iceland
Photograph ©2018 by Brian Cohen.

At one time, Svöðufoss had been hidden from visitors for years — until the construction of a parking lot significantly eased access to the waterfall…

Svöðufoss and Lookout Overlooking Ólafsvíkur Iceland
Photograph ©2018 by Brian Cohen.

…but despite the greater ease of access, no one else was there.

Svöðufoss and Lookout Overlooking Ólafsvíkur Iceland
Photograph ©2018 by Brian Cohen.

The sounds of both the waterfalls and river dominating the otherwise serene and scenic area.

Svöðufoss and Lookout Overlooking Ólafsvíkur Iceland
Photograph ©2018 by Brian Cohen.

Slightly greater than 1,000 residents live in Ólafsvík, which is located on the bay of Breiðafjörður on the west side of the Snæfellnes Peninsula.

Svöðufoss and Lookout Overlooking Ólafsvíkur Iceland
Photograph ©2018 by Brian Cohen.

The steeple of the unusual design of Ólafsvík Church can be seen near the center of the photograph above.

Svöðufoss and Lookout Overlooking Ólafsvíkur Iceland
Photograph ©2018 by Brian Cohen.

Final Boarding Call

Plan to spend up to 90 minutes to enjoy the view from the lookout overlooking Ólafsvíkur — as well as Svöðufoss itself — on the Snæfellnes Peninsula in western Iceland.

No admission is charged to see Svöðufoss; and the lookout overlooking Ólafsvíkur is never closed to anyone who wants to visit it. No facilities are available at the site itself; but free parking is available in a small parking lot. Allow 30 minutes to get from the parking lot to Svöðufoss; and the hike is fairly easy to do.

Plan to spend at least two hours and 45 minutes to drive the approximately 201 kilometers from Reykjavik — although the site is only a drive of 25 minutes east of Svörtuloft lighthouse. Bring a jacket, coat, or other garments to keep you warm against what could potentially feel like brutally cold winds.

Please click here for links to additional articles of my experiences in Iceland via this Iceland: Itinerary and Master Guide.

All photographs ©2018 by Brian Cohen.

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