Source: Google Maps —Imagery ©2023 TerraMetrics; map data ©2023 Maps GISrael, Google.

Conflict in Israel: October 2023 Travel Alert

Surprise attacks have affected travel.

Because of sudden active conflict in Israel October 2023, you may want to consider delaying your travel — or, at least, keep yourself updated as to the latest information pertaining to the unrest — if Israel and other locations in the Middle East that are near that country are in your travel plans over the next week or so.

Conflict in Israel: October 2023 Travel Alert

At least 300 people have been killed since Palestinian militants in Gaza reportedly launched surprise thousands of rocket attacks and ground assaults in Israel earlier today.

A Boeing 777-300ER airplane which operated as United Airlines flight 954 departed yesterday, Friday, October 6, 2023 from San Francisco to Tel Aviv — but as the airplane neared Greenland, it turned around back to San Francisco. Flights to Tel Aviv that were operated by such airlines as Air France, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, Lufthansa, LOT Polish Airlines, Emirates Airline, Ryanair, and Aegean Airlines had reportedly been canceled.

When attempting to access the official Internet web site of Ben Gurion Airport — which is the international airport that serves Tel Aviv — the following screen appears:

a screenshot of a computer
Source: Ben Gurion Airport.

The actual numbers were purposely deleted. The airport is reportedly open at the time this article was written; but other airports in Israel have reportedly closed temporarily.

The following message was posted on the official Twitter — er…X — account of Benjamin Netanyahu, who is the current prime minister of Israel:

Citizens of Israel, We are at war, not in an operation or in rounds, but at war. This morning, Hamas launched a murderous surprise attack against the State of Israel and its citizens. We have been in this since the early morning hours.

I convened the heads of the security establishment and ordered – first of all – to clear out the communities that have been infiltrated by terrorists. This currently is being carried out.

At the same time, I have ordered an extensive mobilization of reserves and that we return fire of a magnitude that the enemy has not known. The enemy will pay an unprecedented price.

In the meantime, I call on the citizens of Israel to strictly adhere to the directives of the IDF and Home Front Command. We are at war and we will win it.

Meanwhile, people in Bahrain, Pakistan, and other countries around the world support Palestine with solidarity.

Flight Waivers, Delays, and Cancellations

If you are traveling to or from Israel and other parts of the Middle East over the next week or so, expect delays and cancellations of flights. Keep up to date on the latest information pertaining to this active conflict which may adversely affect your travel plans. Better yet, postponing or canceling your trip might be a better option — no matter which mode of travel you plan on taking.

If you have a flight scheduled, your flight may be delayed or canceled — and you may be eligible for a waiver of a fee to change your itinerary. If you are driving in any of these areas, watch out for deteriorating weather conditions and traffic problems.

Here are six airlines which have issued travel alerts as a result of this active conflict:

  • American Airlines has issued a travel alert for Tel Aviv for Saturday, October 7, 2023 through Saturday, October 14, 2023; and Saturday, October 21, 2023 is the last day on which tickets must be reissued and rebooked travel must begin.
  • Delta Air Lines has issued a travel alert for Tel Aviv for Saturday, October 7, 2023 through Saturday, October 14, 2023; and Saturday, October 21, 2023 is the last day on which tickets must be reissued and rebooked travel must begin.
  • United Airlines has issued travel alerts for Amman and Tel Aviv for Saturday, October 7, 2023 through Saturday, October 14, 2023; and Saturday, October 21, 2023 is the last day on which tickets must be reissued and rebooked travel must begin.
  • Air Canada has issued a travel alert for Tel Aviv for Saturday, October 7, 2023 through Sunday, October 8, 2023.
  • KLM Royal Dutch Airlines has issued a travel alert for Tel Aviv for Saturday, October 7, 2023 through Monday, October 9, 2023; and Sunday, October 15, 2023 is the last day on which tickets must be reissued and rebooked travel must begin.
  • El Al Airlines has issued travel alerts for Tel Aviv and other airports in Israel for Saturday, October 7, 2023 through Friday, October 13, 2023; and because of the fluidity of the situation, information will change on a real-time basis.

Final Boarding Call

The conflict in the Middle East may cause ancillary ripple effects on travel throughout many parts of the world. If you are traveling within the next week or so, be sure to contact your airline or transportation provider for the latest information pertaining to your travels — if they are adversely affected — and please: travel safely.

Source: Google Maps —Imagery ©2023 TerraMetrics; map data ©2023 Maps GISrael, Google.

  1. Not sure why you wanted to make this a political instead of a factual post. It actually seemed like you took the time to carefully write this post – until you got to the line “ Meanwhile, people in Bahrain, Pakistan, and other countries around the world support Palestine with solidarity” which suggests there is a country called Palestine and there is not. Moreover you ignore that the majority of the world – certainly the US, EU and other civilized countries, all support Israel. However you could have simply not waded into a political issue (and highly charged issue) and told your readers what they really care about – possible disruption of travel.

  2. What is Wrong with This Photograph? (see the top photo of the map).

    Some people may dispute the map because it shows the Golan Heights as Israeli, not Syrian. This land was conquered by Israel and has some UN peacekeepers stationed there. The map also shows the West Bank and Gaza in a different type (font) than Israel, Jordan, Egypt, etc. It implies that the West Bank and Gaza are part of Israel. That assumption is not universal.

    My personal opinion is that there is a 10,000 ft. runway in Gaza that has been torn up and should be used for flights and award seats. A runway and unused miles are a terrible thing to waste.

  3. BeantownFlyer– so just flying updates! I guess you must have ice running in your veins and not blood. Many countries are HAPPY that ( civilians)Israelis were and are being killed (just like 9/11). It is good to let the less informed know what is going on in other countries

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