a display of vegetables in a store
Photograph ©2023 by Brian Cohen.

What Is Wrong With This Photograph? Part 229

Is this fruitful article fruitless?

For this edition of this popular game, can you guess what you believe is wrong — or, at least, seemingly quite bizarre — with this photograph part 229?

I spotted a display while I was in the supermarket recently. I could not resist taking the following photograph for the latest in this series of articles.

What Is Wrong With This Photograph? Part 229

a display of vegetables in a store
Photograph ©2023 by Brian Cohen.

Please submit your answers in the Comments section below — and I enjoy reading creative answers.

Thank you in advance. As always, I cannot wait to read your answer and feedback.

Access to Past Articles in the What is Wrong With This Photograph? Series

You can refer to this definitive list of past articles of the What is Wrong With This Photograph? series of articles, which also includes articles which reveal the answers. That list will be continuously updated as additional articles are written and posted here at The Gate With Brian Cohen to ensure that future articles in this series are not encumbered with a long list of links — especially when viewing and reading them from a portable electronic device.

Your constructive input as a reader of The Gate With Brian Cohen is always appreciated.

Final Boarding Call

You are encouraged to submit photographs of your own for this feature at The Gate With Brian Cohen. When you do, please let me know:

  • If you want to have photography credit attributed to you
  • What is the photograph
  • When and where the photograph was taken
  • If submitting a screen shot, please give the source — as well as a link to the source

If your photograph or screen shot is selected, it will be featured in a future article here at The Gate With Brian Cohen.

In the meantime, the answer — or answers — to this article will be included in the next article of answers to the most recent five articles in the series of What is Wrong With This Photograph? articles.

Photograph ©2023 by Brian Cohen.

  1. Wonderful article! Your blog offered extremely valuable perspectives about. The details were presented clearly and in a comprehensible manner.

  2. C’mon…let us see the white price sign cut off at the left edge in the top photo. If it reads, “Avocados…$.59”, then we just need to cut the produce some slack for the artistic license demonstrated in their display. Of course, it’s still mildly interesting that jalapenos, Roma tomatoes, and avocados are ALL displayed in cucumber boxes. And there’s “that” shopper who left her/his bag containing 2 avocados in the jalapeno pepper box….

  3. i never knew there were so many varieties of cucumbers or concombres. and if a coupon is digital, is it still clippable? regardless, i’m enjoying guacamole as i type this two minutes before 2024!! have a super duper one brian!!

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