bike route
Photograph ©2020 by Brian Cohen.

What is Wrong With This Photograph? Part 37

On another one of my many long walks recently during the current 2019 Novel Coronavirus pandemic — especially as the weather has been spectacular where I am based — I decided to take the following couple of pictures.

What is Wrong With This Photograph? Part 37

Here is one photograph…

bike route
Photograph ©2020 by Brian Cohen.

…and here is another photograph:

bike route
Photograph ©2020 by Brian Cohen.

For this edition of this popular game, can you guess what you believe is wrong — or, at least, seemingly quite bizarre — with this photograph?

Please submit your answers in the Comments section below — and I enjoy reading creative answers.

Thank you in advance. As always, I cannot wait to read your answer and feedback.


Past articles with which you can participate and play along with the What is Wrong With This Photograph? game — as well as answers — include:

All photographs ©2020 by Brian Cohen.

  1. I was expecting one of those RoadRunner/Wile E Coyote moments when he would be pedalling long after he launched from the cliff.

      1. Please accept my apologies, colleen; but this was the video that I meant to leave for you to enjoy in response to your comment:

  2. From personal experience working in the public sector, this looks typical 😉 Your inventory can be short a sign, that’s OK, just order another. But if you are long by even one, that’s bigly bad…it means someone screwed up by ordering too many, or messed up locations during installation. Typical solution? Install the extra one randomly along the path, and *bam!* no excess inventory, problem solved.

    After seeing your second photo in the set, the sign appears to depict a transition from a (narrower pavement) bike path to the (wider pavement) multi-use path. Most likely will find a ‘start’ sign lurking in the shadows, facing the opposite direction, on the other side of the wider pavement.

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