a tall metal tower with a city in the background
Photograph ©2022 by Brian Cohen.

Parachute Jump in Coney Island. Sunday Morning Photograph.

One cannot jump to conclusions — or to anything with this landmark.

The world famous Boardwalk in Coney Island is simply not complete without the Parachute Jump, which is 250 feet tall and was built for the 1939 New York World’s Fair at Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in Queens. The Parachute Jump was moved to its current location in 1941.

Parachute Jump in Coney Island. Sunday Morning Photograph.

a tall metal tower with a cross in the background
Photograph ©2022 by Brian Cohen.

Officially designated as a landmark in the city of New York in 1989 and listed on the National Register of Historic Places, the Parachute Jump closed for operations in 1964; and is the only part of the defunct original Steeplechase Park that still remains in Coney Island.

a tall metal tower with a city in the background
Photograph ©2022 by Brian Cohen.

Final Boarding Call

Having been born and raised in Brooklyn, Coney Island meant a lot to generations of my family.

I never did get to ride on the Parachute Jump, unfortunately.

The purpose of the weekly series of Sunday Morning Photograph articles is to feature photographs from my travels around the world which you can view while enjoying your morning coffee.

Please click here for a complete list of the Sunday Morning Photograph series of articles at The Gate With Brian Cohen, which include photographs taken of nature and sights of interest in many countries and territories around the world — including but not limited to:

Andorra • Argentina • Australia • Austria • Bahamas • Bahrain • Belgium • Belarus • Botswana • Brazil • Bulgaria • Canada • China • Chile • Colombia • Côte d’Ivoire or Ivory Coast • Cyprus — including the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus • Czechia or Czech Republic • Denmark • Dominican Republic • Egypt • England in Great Britain in the United Kingdom • Estonia • Finland • France • Germany • Hungary • Iceland • Ireland • Italy • Kenya • Latvia • Lebanon • Lesotho • Liechtenstein • Lithuania • Luxembourg • Malaysia • Morocco • Mozambique • Netherlands • New Zealand • Oman • Panama • Philippines • Poland • Portugal • Romania • Singapore • Slovenia • South Africa • South Korea • Spain • Swaziland or Eswatini • Sweden • Switzerland • Thailand • United Arab Emirates • United States of America • Uruguay

All photographs ©1983 by Brian Cohen.

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